I cant believe what I am reading

This is absolutely ridicules allowing wrong answers to be graded


The worse thing is that the act is not even necessary.

A science question could be phrased thus:

What is the approximate age of the Earth, according to science?

A. 500,000,000 years
B. 6,000 years
C. 750,000,000 years
D. 4 1/2 Billion years

The correct answer would be D.

This would not contradict the student’s religious beliefs, as he is being asked to pick the science communities estimated age of the Earth. It would not contradict the student’s beliefs, as the student is not being questioned on his religion or personal beliefs as to the age of the Earth.

This is an asinine law.


Any answers, or specific ones? :thinking:

Totally unnecessary for the State government to get involved. I’ve taught units on evolution, and students, on their own, have discussed these types of concerns with me. They did not want to endanger their grade, but what if they answered according to their beliefs on science tests and papers.

I asked them, “Are you comfortable heading each test or paper with the words, According to the Holt science text book, with which I do not agree…” That way, I, or any teacher, can be satisfied you learned the material and you can stand firm with your beliefs."

The students thought that totally acceptable. However, I warned them that state tests, with multiple choice answers, might one day present them with a problem. Do they answer according to what the text books taught, or according to their beliefs? I recommended they each speak to their parents so in case they ever were faced with such a dilemma, they would feel comfortable in how they would respond.

I do not care for mountains being created from molehills.

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Umm interesting thanks for the response

I totally agree an asinine law

Religious beliefs contradicting science is pretty much superstition. I would not encourage superstition.


like witch craft

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And Republicans call democrats snowflakes.


Why stop at science. This will probably help a lot of people pass calculus! Which can do wonders getting our nation more engineers


I believe the sun is home to a giant blacksmith who stokes the forge endlessly and that is where the light and heat comes from.

My faith in that is heartily offended when my kid’s science teacher teaches them that it’s just some star made of hot plasma.


This actually can work both ways. If teachers want to get around the law just preface the questions with “According to XYZ…” or “Excluding any religious beliefs…”

Or the religious right could just get out of the 18th century

Something wrong with his medulla omblagada!

Mama says…

This is why I am an advocate of an elective Biblical studies at the middle and high school levels. Teaching how Bible verses were used a couple of hundred years ago (thousands of years after the actual writing) to generate such erroneous concepts as young earth and rapture would result in better understanding of both bible and science.

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As your student’s science teacher, I am sorry to have offended you. :wink:

I can believe anything this crazy society comes up with. We are entering the last days.

So long as my kid can say “according to the text it’s a ball of hot plasma, but I believe in the giant blacksmith” we’re all good. :grin:

Much better than what kids actually say which is, "According to adults I should be in school, but I believe my time is much better spent playing Minecraft or Fort Night.

(Not keeping up with computer games, I made the mistake of thinking they said “Mind Craft” which they have yet to let me live down.)

I would much rather my kids play fortnite or minecraft than deny science. I might even play with them because, you know, video games are fun and healthy in moderation like anything else.

Not only is this an unnecessary law, but it will come back to haunt all the Christians that thought they were winning some kind of victory in getting it passed.

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