“I am part of the Resistance in the Trump Administration” - Stunning Article in NYT

The NYT article is the sort of thing an enemy would publish just before an attack. Create chaos and uncertainty and mistrust in the leadership.

It is right out of Sun Tzu.

He has a personality disorder, in my opinion, which is not a condition that relieves him of responsibilities for his actions.

He’s too immature to forget this. It’ll weigh on his mind.

I’m sure Democrats will disagree about whom it says more.
All I have to do is try to picture the two new Supreme Court Judges we would be getting if Hillary had won…plus the effect on control of the agencies that a 12 year Democratic reign would have had.

Well if that is the case they are using this tactic because they know Trump is so thin skinned and cannot abide even the slightest bit of criticism. If the President is incapable of rising above articles like this then he really has no business being the President.

Do you realize that in your criticism for the op-ed you are admitting we have a weak president.

I am trying to remember the last time the precursor to an attack on a country was a anonymous op-ed.

It should weigh on his mind. Someone just admitted to being in an unelected secret cabal to control our government.

I’d put my money on syphilis caused by his own personal Vietnam.

Whatever power they wield is granted to them entirely by the President himself.

There is nothing to suggest they are doing anything other than what the president has given them the power to do.

A Republican Deep State. Not the fantastical Obama Deep State you pretended existed without proof.

And as Corker, along with many others who have insight to this administration have stated, this reality exposed through this op-ed was well known throughout DC. The spineless wonders in the GOP are just too afraid to speak about it publicly, and denounce the chaos that is occurring in the White House.

I guess congratulations is in order though. You are partially to blame for what is being wrought on this nation. This is what you apparently wanted. The development of a Deep State and a swamp filled to the brim with Republicans via your favorite politician, Donald Trump.

You made a strawman, ya know. I don’t recall that I said he should not take responsibility for his actions. But those who intentionally exploit a personality disorder for their own goals (even if they think they are being patriotic) need to be held accountable.

If you cant debate me, don’t bother posting your strawmen.

You are all in the same bucket now. Your common hatred of trump has placed never-Trunp Republicans shoulder to shoulder with Progressive Liberals and Trump hating Democrats.

Why did Trump appoint these people? He explicitly said many, many times that he only hires the best people.

I see. So what do you mean by “accommodations” that should be made for his “medical condition”?

If he has a personality disorder then he needs to disclose that to the public but until that time his ranting and weird tweeting is fair game.

As for a strawman that was not my intent. I was merely trying to point out how idiotic it was to try and suggest that the op-ed is in any way a form of first strike by an enemy. But then again you believe Trump only hires the best so it could not be possibly someone on the inside who has realized just how unfit for office Trump is.

Why does everything have to be part of a bigger conspiracy with Trump supporters?

Yes - we are all in the bucket of patriotic citizens who are concerned for our nation’s future.

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Did he? How many times is “many many”?

Plus we wouldn’t have this lunatic side show happening right now with Handnsids tale and men in condom costumes. The left seem to enjoy displaying their lunacy.


This right here nails it. I don’t like it anymore than anyone else here does. But this is the reality these people are faced with. A bunch of Americans decided to elect a madman into the most powerful position in the world. And his own party refuses to do anything to restrain him and his madness, in fact, being complicit in their refusal.

This person, and the group they represent, clearly are looking out for themselves and the future of the GOP brand. But they are also trying their best to do what they feel is good for the country as well, in protecting us all from the insanity that is Trump and all of his impulses. He is a danger to the Republic, and if the people with power won’t act (the GOP) then we should be thankful that there are those within that are willing to instead. Regardless of their overall motivations.


Its telling to see the differing levels of “conservatives” here all basically echoing the op-ed to some degree.

It boils down to “hey we know the president is crazy but dont worry we got adults in the room to reign him in after all it’s better then a dem”

Conservative values come cheap…

i bet there have been a ton of informal conversations between high level cabinent members/etc. stuff like…

“This guy is a ■■■■■■■ idiot”


“He’s ■■■■■■■ crazy”


“He’s a ■■■■■■■ madman”

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