“I am part of the Resistance in the Trump Administration” - Stunning Article in NYT


This right here nails it. I don’t like it anymore than anyone else here does. But this is the reality these people are faced with. A bunch of Americans decided to elect a madman into the most powerful position in the world. And his own party refuses to do anything to restrain him and his madness, in fact, being complicit in their refusal.

This person, and the group they represent, clearly are looking out for themselves and the future of the GOP brand. But they are also trying their best to do what they feel is good for the country as well, in protecting us all from the insanity that is Trump and all of his impulses. He is a danger to the Republic, and if the people with power won’t act (the GOP) then we should be thankful that there are those within that are willing to instead. Regardless of their overall motivations.


Its telling to see the differing levels of “conservatives” here all basically echoing the op-ed to some degree.

It boils down to “hey we know the president is crazy but dont worry we got adults in the room to reign him in after all it’s better then a dem”

Conservative values come cheap…

i bet there have been a ton of informal conversations between high level cabinent members/etc. stuff like…

“This guy is a ■■■■■■■ idiot”


“He’s ■■■■■■■ crazy”


“He’s a ■■■■■■■ madman”

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Hard to believe you actually think anyone should be doing this. They weren’t elected President. They have no business unilaterally deciding he is unfit for office and usurping his authority. You may wish to live in an oligarchy, I don’t. This is a constitutional republic, we have legal and constitutional remedies to what they claim the problem is. The have no business taking it upon themselves to thwart the will of the voters no matter who the voters chose. If he is unfit for office in their view, their constitutional duty is clear. Go to congress with evidence, if they refuse to act, tough luck, their expected refusal doesn’t grant them license to set up a shadow government within a constitutional republic.

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Then none of them are fit for the positions they hold.

Well no…that’s not how things work. You dont get into an office and then nothing can be done about it till your 4 years are up.

Clinton was hounded by scandal after scandal and that didnt stop anyone from saying he should be gone.

Trump is bad for your brand long term…hell even short term. He has high polls in the gop because policy. That’s it…the economy is helping him greatly.

If he isnt impeached, hopefully America will wake up enough to say this is enough. Let’s move on and get back to normal.

actually, what normal people do (when they realize they’re working for a madman who can do massive damage) is either alert someone or work to prevent the damage. kind of like a military underling would do if they realized his commander was crazy and no one would help him. he’d still take orders but he’d subtly talk to his commander and try to influence him if he was actually in a position to do so.

plus, republican media would friggin hammer the cabinet, VP and most of Congress every step of the way.

You’re saying that thinking your boss is an idiot makes one unfit for their job?

There have been plenty of times in my life where I worked for someone that I, and many of my co-workers, thought was an idiot. There have been plenty of times that me and my co-workers have said as much, out of the boss’ earshot.

Does that mean we were “unfit” for our jobs?

Unless the article is 100% untrue, this is pretty much the nail in the coffin for any chance of Trump being reelected. Democrats would be fools not to run ad after ad referencing these claims. Not to mention using it in debates against Trump.

Oh yes, an anonymous op-ed carries so much weight lol.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

they’re trying to pretend this isn’t happening and deny responsibility.


back in the day we just said that he was a big ole ■■■■■■■■

I disagree, fat donald jumped the shark in Helsinki.

Not for the ~25% that will ride with him to the very end. But the other ~10%-15% I believe it would absolutely move the needle for them if a unified GOP came out and announced “no more.” That this man no longer represents them or their party and they begin to hold him accountable for his actions and impulses. If they were to launch Congressional hearings investigating the administration for all of the corruption and scandal we know exists. It would move the needle. I have no doubt about it.

Interesting. So you don’t believe this person and the group they represent really have the power to constrain him then? So what would be the point here?

Any President can do massive damage. But this one has been a tremendous success. By almost any measure available. The so-called resistance has been able to stop none of it. I hope they are proud of their record of zero victories.

Might want to stop for a second and think what part of the party that 25% figure you tossed out is. Over half. No party can afford to alienate over half of it’s base and survive. You are asking them to destroy their party, that is not going to happen so stop believing it ever will.

That’s a more complicated talking point. Your president is ■■■■■■■ crazy is a lot easier to convince people not to vote.