I am disappointed at political games from the loonytune liberal progressive leftists

Listen, this isn’t hard.

  1. Trump asked for billions to build his wall.

  2. He didn’t get it.

  3. He declared a national emergency so that he could appropriate the funds needed to build the wall.

  4. The White House has not to date submitted a request for re-appropriation of money.

  5. There is no wall. There won’t be a wall.

  6. You are free to believe otherwise despite facts and reality.

He wanted 25

He got 5

It is being built

It is an emergency

He wanted 25

He requested just over 1

Congress offered just over 1

He said no. He really wanted 5

He got just over 1

It’s a humanitarian crisis





Wall is being built

It’s an invasion emergency

New wall or upgrading existing walls and fences? Where?


On the border

Where do you think they are building a new wall? Do you have any evidence of this or is this your opinion?

It’s a fact.

The wall is already built, ahead of schedule and under budget.

Mexico paid for it.

Illegal immigration has stopped.

Donald saved America, Deep State lib mob media just refuses to report the truth. Real Americans know the truth.

I didnt ask you if what you said was factual. I asked if you had any evidence of this.

Move the needle.

Of course I do.

It’s truly amazing what Donald has done. Best POTUS ever.

That’s good. Have fun with it.

I’m sure that using terms like “liberal looneytune progressive leftist” will go far in convincing the other side of your respect for the process, the reasonableness of your position, and your willingness to compromise. Well played.

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Try CBS News. I’ll assume the source is acceptable.

Gee. Thanks for sharing, but I’ll just wait for you to spell it all out over the next 213 two word posts.


That’s a nine word post. This one is too.

It’s two, not too.
