I...am a YouTube Radical Alt-Right....According to the NYT.....Are you?

Why am I not surprised you didn’t take the test?

Do you have any idea how ridiculously easy it is to host content on the internet?

The rules must be the same for all and applied equally to all.

Then I guess you think the mods are violating the Constitution here? This site is operated within the US and is thus under the Constitution.

Let me save you some trouble. No, the mods aren’t violating the Constitution, and neither is any other PRIVATE business doing so because they may or may not filter what speech they want to host.

Here is the full text of the 1st Amendment with the part most germane to this discussion highlighted in bold:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The 1st Amendment does not protect your free speech against a private entity choosing whether or not to host it. It only prevents the government from stifling it.

It also works that way with children’s videos. You can start with pretty innocent children’s videos and if you aren’t careful with your settings, autoplay your way into a child’s favorite character being brutally killed, dancing nazis, all while other cartoon characters watch on while masturbating.

And no, this isn’t alarmist tripe, it was actually pointed out in a TED talk.

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The NYT and the lame stream media do not Lean left but are hard radicalized left.

Believe nothing from them you can’t confirm from an independent source or sources.

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Do the mods apply the rules to you and I equally or do they shut one side down?

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What do you think the proper method for determining if the rules were applied to all equally would be?

well some of the theories that have been espoused here are alt-right (9/11 truthers, pizzagate, Seth Richard, Birthers etc). There is no denying but I am here to set the facts straight :slight_smile:

Allan (straightening out the Alt-right at Hannity since 2002–thats a lot of straightening)


How would we determine that?

It will never go to SCOTUS. There’s not even a question as to the 1st’s applicability (or lack thereof, in this case) in the minds of ANY legal scholar, and any attempt to get this in front of the SC will be dismissed summarily.


They are. Here are the Terms of Service.


Transparency …that all can see how the ruling was determined and applied to all…equally.

Wrong. Well, mostly wrong.

Try again.

I definitely see why you didn’t take the simple test I put further up in the thread.

Do you see the justifications for the moderation on this site? For every time out or ban can you review the justification?

Yep… there are real problems when algorithms control everything.

No…its really not. Not even remotely.

No, they really don’t have to be. Not for a private entity.

You either have choice in the content you consume or you don’t. Algorithms or not, you can always turn the channel.

Do you think I’m going to answer that?