Hunters Going to Jail!

I agree

Unrelated to that i think he should have his rights to gun possession restored upon completion of a sentence though federal law prohibits that.

Not sure who you are thinking of, but the only one I remember much about was that Milo character, who certainly seems to be a neo nazi, pedophile and an ■■■■■■■■

It was all over the news. There is no need to remember when we have Google at our finger tips.

What was the original deal that got yanked?

I agree with probation. For Trump too.

The original deal included immunity for all further tax crimes or at least that is what the judge thought who through it out.

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When I google ‘right wing speaker cancelled’.;

First story is about a UC davis cancelling Proud Boys founder after some proud boys started fighting with protestors.

I don’t think the founder of the Proud Boys is a voice that needs to be heard - but that’s my opinion. Cancelling him for threats of violence seems prudent to me.

Second story:

Pitt refuses to cancel conservative group event speakers.

Third story:

A guy who sexually harrased a US representive was cancelled a year or two ago because he was set to speak with the same proud boy founder mentioned above due to threats of violence. The sexual harrasser is set to return to campus to do a comedy show.

So again, I’m just not sure of what cancellations you think were out of line. I’m sure there were some over reactions over time, but the stories I see seem reasonable to me.

Maybe this will help. Found it in about ten seconds. Search engine difficulties?

Trump’s is 7/11, no?

What are we thinking on the 1st Crackhead’s sentencing?

Federal court has a crazy amount of steps prior to sentencing. It’s similar to state but there is a lot more in the pre sentencing report. That usually takes the longest time. But it could be sped up i guess

I suppose that depends on what others who have been found guilty of this same crime with no previous history and no one was hurt or property damaged.

If he gets jail or probation makes no difference to me.

I don’t think so. I think it depends more on what happens with Trump.

No difficulties. I shared exactly what I searched and found above.

That article does reference some protests and cancellations that are just plain wrong IMO.

Trump is definitely getting jail time… Dem judge, dem DA, dem jury…. He’s getting locked up.


They are…


…and there’s no question about it.

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wait a minute… does this mean Hunter’s laptop WASN’T Russian disinformation?!?


Trump was right as usual. If the dems don’t steal the election again, I hope Trump takes the security clearances from the 51 liars. We need to close the FBI, ATF, DHS and CIA and many more agencies. They only exit to steal money for cronies and help dems get elected…

The laptop was real, but Russian collusion wasn’t…


yes it is, this case was nothing but window dressing to avoid going deeper into the influence peddling and money laundering.

I look forward to his appeal, and this unconstitutional gun law being overturned.


The real question I keep asking is why all these foreign businesses, governments, etc., so desperately wanted to do business with this whoring, crackhead loser, who has no expertise in anything, and send millions and millions of dollars his way? :thinking: