Hunters Going to Jail!

Do other Presidents have crackhead sons?

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Judging what I have seen of Don Jr, I am thinking yes.


Good move, its insane the number of people incarcerated for non violent drug crimes.

Though I get its purely symbolic because the majority of offenders are at the state level.

You’ve seen him do crack?

You have any proof?

He doesn’t like Trump. Isn’t that proof enough?


He sure doesn’t.


This case doesn’t involve Trump.

Seek help.

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So…update. Weiss got hunter Biden convicted of 3 felonies.

This is a fun thread down memory lane…

How many poster claiming “fix is in” are going to admit being wrong?


I’m not sure what you are referencing but there is a difference between hearing differing perspectives and giving racists a platform and legitimacy.

As usual the predictions from some, which are really just fantasies remain just that - fantasies.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.”

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Yes he got the gun conviction but we both know that isn’t the information I was talking about getting swept under the rug.

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I am completely shocked by the guilty verdict never thought it would ever happen in a million years

The DOJ is corrupt.



I am referencing the students at campuses shouting down and cancelling speakers. Not all of them were “racists”. Not even close.

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The tune is going to change to sentencing issue seven though that’s not happening for like six months.

I will say he shouldn’t get more then probation. It should have been plea bargained to that.