Hunter Biden Trial Thread

I’m not so sure he’s playing. :grinning:

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This is not even real.

The guy is now a " convicted felon " and they still have never even released his mugshot.



It’s MTG, what do you expect?

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I would win with most dislikes.

But yeah…that was stupid comment he made.

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As long as they support AOC and the squad , Pelosi and Maxine. they have no business going after MTG.


Fair point. :grinning:


Young Biden will appeal if Blockhead Joey doesn’t pardon him first.
I’m betting the laptop has evidence some don’t want to get out.

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Read something interesting about the laptop, apparently the guy who got the laptop from the shop was a guy named Bob Costello. Who happened to be the same guy who testified on behalf of Trump in his trial regarding the hush money payments. The guy who basically torched any chance of Trump winning the trial.

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pure speculation by righties.


Hey, I kinda like that outspokenness of MTG. She’s a Georgia gal and showboats a lot. That said she tends to go out there a lot. But what the heck as long as she keeps pissing off the squad and the rest of those ■■■■■■■ pukes.


He will appeal which will string it out until after the election.

Then Joey will pardon him.

She occasionally spouts a kernel of truth, She could be taken more seriously if she didn’t talk about stupid ■■■■ and make a fool of herself. I get that she thinks being bombastic helps her get her message out, but it really doesn’t. Now people just ignore her, even when she makes a valid point. :woman_shrugging:

Look at you making up things about trumps family to defend your senile old man’s crack head son. It must be part of the biden cult you belong to- nothing can be said that shows biden and his family to be less than perfect in all things.
It has been a hoot watching you go after and make up things about trumps wife and family while defending a senile old man and his crack head son.

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No this shows that gun owners in this country are right and democrats are just a bunch of gun grabbers. Enforce the laws already on the books. There is no need for more laws. It sets no precedent because the laws were already passed and on the books.
What this does show the country is that it is not the gun owners who need to give up more rights when the next shooting happens. It shows that the laws are already there.

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A better tact but after the election, might be a moot point should OBiden lose. (I hope)

Funny watching you brag about voting for character in November when you will be voting for a man who showered with his young daughter. Guess character does not mean a whole lot in your book.

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The lib character book is extremely shaky.

You must believe that bidens uncle was eaten by cannibals. How funny.
Or maybe you believe biden was a truck driver once. Thats a hoot.

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You’re talking to a group that believe biden is a good honest man. Instead of a lying pervert. But they drank the Kool aide.


who are you speculating it is?