Hundreds of Newspapers collude to attack Trump

The news covers the Russian investigation more because they know there is another shoe to drop they can’t talk about yet. The Trump and kids tape.

Just like he’s making Democrats energized to get out and vote in November.

I bet you believe that because of bias press coverage. No, actually over 500 orgs were abused on purpose. The newspapers knew it then, and now. You just prove my point.

Yes, for Trump because of his great policies… Taking on China, and causing a manufacturing revival. Jobs, jobs, jobs…

Do you believe (just like fat donald does), that the American press is the enemy of the state?

That’s not what he said…

It’s no friend to truth, that’s for sure… Just a wing of the dems to be ignored. And you love the “state”, so…

Nothing angers the trumpflakes more than having truth about their messiah exposed…

The major papers aren’t hated for “bias,” they’re hated, by Trump and his dinguses, because they tell the truth about the Huuge Orange Ass that rules your world.

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Yeah no.

In late September 2017, an exhaustive report by the Treasury Department’s inspector general found that from 2004 to 2013, the IRS used both conservative and liberal keywords to choose targets for further scrutiny, blunting claims that the issue had been an Obama-era partisan scandal.[2][3] The 115 page report confirmed the findings of the prior 2013 report that some conservative organizations had been unfairly targeted, but also found that the pattern of misconduct had been ongoing since 2004 and was non-partisan in nature.

Proven %100 false. The only person listening to false narratives and lies is you.


If you say so.

My apologies, fat donald called them “the enemy of the American people”


They hide the good economic numbers… on purpose. Wind of the left. It’s their own fault they are hated.

It’s amazing to me that anyone beleives anything that anybody in this administration says. Every single person in it has been caught in multiple, easily proven lies, and not once has any of them ever apologized or owned up to it.

So instead they scream that everyone else is lying to them. It’s sad, really.

Doubled his approval with blacks… rising with Hispanics…

If you say so.

Promises made, promises kept…

Fat donald is just bringing back the good 'ole days.

At a different time, in another country, it was effectively a death sentence.

Being branded an “enemy of the people” by the likes of Stalin or Mao brought at best suspicion and stigma, at worst hard labour or death.

Now the chilling phrase - which is at least as old as Emperor Nero, who was called “hostis publicus”, enemy of the public, by the Senate in AD 68 - is making something of a comeback.

His approval is at a whole 4%

The good economic numbers are always reported. You just think they aren’t because for some incredibly stupid reason, you think good economic numbers excuses the lies, corruption, scandal, nepotism, racism, degradation and stupidity.

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Hillary in jail yet?