Hundreds of Newspapers collude to attack Trump

Your right there is nothing wrong with it, obviously you live on the liberal plantation with blinders on & forget that’s a double edged sword it cuts both ways. You know damn good and well if 100 papers did the same thing to the Wicked Witch Of Arkansas the brainwashed left would have a nuclear meltdown of biblical proportion.

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Hillary’s been calling the press the enemy of the people?

Had she been pulling this Stalinist stunt, she’d deserve every bit of it and more.

Another from the cookie cutter with the “wicked witch” name thrown in. And another that has no clue about the media. Welcome to the party.

Poor widdle trump.

Another trump supporter crying for help.

No one has responded to my question?

Guess there really weren’t any media attack on Trump.

Wait until the RW talk shows are over. I’m sure they’ll point up something.

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That’s eminently disputable.

It would be very odd for 100 newspapers to do editorials about how her constant criticisms and attacks on the media in general are an attack against the 1st amendment. Since she hasn’t done that.

Yes it is. And you know why they did that? For ratings, and also because of the belief he would be the easiest for Hillary to defeat.

He didn’t get much negative media until he won the nomination. Even Morning Joe had him on multiple times for fluff interviews, and then in the general election suddenly Trump was unfit for office.

So this guest on MSNBC actually said 10% of Trump supporters would give him power to kill their grandparents. He said this with no push back from anyone on the panel, although a couple of them looked quite startled at the statement. You don’t have to be a Trump supporter in order to think this was way over the line.

But there is no left wing bias in media of course.

And @madasheck , this is an example of why one does not need to be watching cable news to know what’s being said. Sites like this one, Mediate, and a few others have a lot of these videos.

And they spin it the way you want rather than what it meant to be.

Oh, did you actually read the story? Did you get it he was speaking figuratively? Probably not. Did you get he was making a connection to Trump’s quote about standing on Fifth Avenue and shooting someone? I know you didn’t. But hey, it’s easier to criticize the media, isn’t it, Joanne?

And of course you couldn’t possibly be wrong.

The only media attack on trump is the media repeating what he and his Minions say and do.

I heard Sean “Baghdad Bob” Spicer penned a scathing letter to the collective Editorialists on their “colluding” against Donny.

I wonder if he sent his letter priority registered signed receipt?

Wonder if he is related to Daisy Maisy?

…wonder if he is still on the Trump payroll?

Daisy Maisy … now there’s a name I hadn’t heard in a while. Wonder if she came over here? :laughing:

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Who? Sean Spicer?

Considering the Trump suck up book he wrote that he has been trying to hawk all over I am thinking he just might be.

Consider this passage from Sean’s book that Trump is a: “unicorn, riding a unicorn over the rainbow.”

Haven’t heard any rants about “sternly worded letters” of late?

But she was a hoot!

[quote=“LouC, post:259, topic:9946, full:true”]

Who? Sean Spicer?

Considering the Trump suck up book he wrote that he has been trying to hawk all over I am thinking he just might be.

Consider this passage from Sean’s book that Trump is a: “unicorn, riding a unicorn over the rainbow.”


Yes, in the same way they tried to schmooze Omarosa into saying “nice things” about Donny.

I remember the infamous Baked Lay’s thread. That should be in the Hannity Hall of Fame. Our host should do one of his opening monologues on that one. :slight_smile: