Hundreds of justice dept officials say trump is a criminal

hundreds from both sides signed a letter saying trump would be facing multiple felonys if he wasnt president.
the officials go all the way back to Ike

of corse the trumpers wont care, they have sold their sould to their cult leader.


Impressive letter, and that’s a hella lot of signers.

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Democrats will wait on impeachment. Proceedings will take most of what’s left on the sociopath’s current term plus the Trump accomplices in the Senate will not convict him for anything, the Democrats will wait until after the election. Most likely the American people will wake up and fire this criminal.

Deep state traitors?

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More than 375…

Trump will soon demote them to “so - called justice department officials.”

Grrrr. Deep state.

They’re all stinking libs!

I wonder how many tweets this will produce

There’s some beautiful juxtaposition between your post and the “American Patriot Daily” clickbait above it.

That’s a lot of haters and losers but at least they are on record.

Has he been convicted of a crime?



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Did they say the same thing about Hildawg?


Of course he broke the law. He’s been breaking laws his entire life.

He just needs to stay in office so he won’t be indicted. If he gets voted out he’s in trouble. That’s why the next election is so critical for him.

And if he does win then the democratic House will definitely impeach him because they’ll know all his financial crimes by then.


So if I read this right, Never Trumper’s from both parties believe Trump obstructed justice and would be charged if he wasn’t President.

Surprise! Surprise!

What’s interesting here is that if Trump wasn’t President, Hillary would be and there would have been no Russia Collusion delusion in the first place.

So basically what we have here is a big nothing burger, given that we already know how much Never Trumper’s really hate Trump.



Yes, because only true criminals are ever convicted.

And rich and powerful men haven’t been avoiding responsiblity for wrongdoing since time immemorial.

Where do they identify as “never Trumpers”?

Oh, I get it, they are prima facia Trump haters because they have a opinion about him that makes you feel uncomfortable?


Yes, because only true criminals are ever convicted.

And rich and powerful men haven’t been avoiding responsiblity for wrongdoing since time immemorial.

Well, I thought it was ridiculous enough that I didn’t need to say it was sarcasm. Trump sycophants can be so far off the rails though, I should have known better.

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Justice dept. officials who know a â– â– â– â–  of a lot more about the law than you do is who they are.

Well, I thought it was ridiculous enough that I didn’t need to say it was sarcasm. Trump sycophants can be so far off the rails though, I should have known better.

Ah, mea culpa.

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