Huge Clue to Trump's Court Pick

Which is a very valid concern. I think the tariffs are insane, and am not happy with Rs doing nothing about it. There is nothing conservative about tariffs.

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Now you’re opposing religious tests. You can’t make your mind up- with a Branch Davidian you said there should be.
Do you even know what a religious test is? I can tell you don’t.
If there was a law that said a president could not nominate a Presbyterian (or whatever) to the Supreme Court, that would be a religious test.

Trump hasn’t been helping any candidate really thus far. Moore? Arpiaio? Its at a point where these candidates are actively asking him to stay away. Trump stands alone by himself. People will vote for him nationally, but locally and statewide he is poison.

So no evidence just subjection. Not really the way to make a point.

He won WV by over 40 points. You think he’s poison there? And Manchin’s opponent is no Moore or Arpiro.

As far as I know the R candidates in IN and MT are good too. McCaskill will probably face Hawley, who easily won a statewide race not long ago. Heitkamp’s opponent is the current House member at large. And Scott is popular in Florida.

So none of those people are Moore 2.0 at all.

Manchin in WV is a +6 RCP average. Tester is a +8 in MT so you are totally incorrect there. Donally is a +1 with a MOE 4.9, that is less than worthless. Scott may be the only one you could hedge your bets on but even that isn’t sure.

It will be interesting to see how things turn if Trump keeps up his trade war.

According to this NYT article, McConnell is urging Trump to pick either Kethledge or Hardiman, believing either will face less obsticles to being confirmed. Paul may vote against Kavanaugh, and Collins and Murkowski Barrett.

Makes sense I suppose.

Pick a lane.

You guys do ■■■■■■ job of electing women to the house and senate. Why do you think that is?

Pinkos are the only ones who believe in the right to privacy.



It’s ok, she throws like a girl.

As if the left does. Now tell me what kind of lightbulb I can use in my home or what my health insurance has to cover.

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Put that Big Gulp DOWN!

What’s wromg with that? That could fit with Catholic thinking.