How's that Trump impeachment hearing going?

Or ignore how Obama did in his mid-term.

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Is that right? Examples where the body of my post was nothing but Swedish chef jibberish?

She laughs at all Trump apologists, and therefore America. Which is why she must never ever regain power and the libs continue to eat their peas seasoned with their salty tears of rage. :us:

Derp! Derp! Hurr!

Where did I post that? Examples? Or just doubling down?

Yeah bold words coming from party mostly made up mostly soyboys. :wink:

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is that worse than a party made up of mostly incels?

You know you did.

I don’t care for those terms.

With economy going as good as it is…going to make it all that much harder for extremist to push for impeachment.

Radical leftwing insurgents will not succeed in their attempts to orchestrate a coup against our Beloved Leader so long as Real Americans stand strong and support Donald unquestioningly. These are dangerous times with Satanists, liberals, and feminists lurking around every corner but Donald will see us safely through every obstacle if we keep faith. :us:

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Deepstate needs to worry about the pissed off Fisa judges thanks to Admiral Roger’s, not Trump.

You are pinning your reputation to an administration with more people convecting than anyone since nixon. And he’s only two years into it.

Your reputation to a man who lies like you check your watch. Who has ■■■■■ porn stars while his wife is at home with his baby.

And you are laughing at libs…

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Oh look, a libs preaching about morality…how cute.

Libs are just upset that Real Americans are no longer handicapping themselves trying to abide by standards only moral conservatives ever tried to uphold. Now that that’s been discarded the playing field is level and we can lie, cheat, and steal right alongside them to further our glorious ideology.

Eat your peas, libs! No one cares about morality anymore, we’re just like you as we show the world how much different/better we are than you!

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Every day I thank the Lord above that He led me to these boards where I can see so many fine examples of Real Manly Men.

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You see em everyday if only you open your eyes. :wink:

Meanwhile bug eyed Schiff is demanding Barr must resign. My question who are you fo demand anything?

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You don’t see me supporting a ■■■■■ grabbing, porn star ■■■■■■■■ lying politician, do you?

Having known you from this message board for, what, a decade? more I guess…it’s fascinating to me that you are now adopting the classless practice of calling people names. Why? Because the politician you support does that.

It’s so strange. You used to be of the ‘I am a gentleman, and a respectable person. We may not agree, but I will treat you with respect, and expect the same’ school of political discourse.

Then you had your “I don’t respect him, but I will vote for him to blow the system up” phase, and now you are full bore mimicking trump’s style.

It’s a shame. I miss the old, hard ass, but respectful Conan. Now you sound like a crack pot.