How to tell when its safe to reopen

You’re either getting ahead of yourself or you’re betting on this. Either way, I could really care less what any of you do. Stay inside and do what the TV says if you want. I’ve been out and about every day this year. lol


We won’t be surrendering liberty to save the hospitals again.

The lack of gratitude is astounding.


It’s the reason the left wants to keep us closed …at least till nov.

No telling how many would starve by then however.

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They won’t be if they stay down long enough. Starvation would be far more deadly than the virus.


And the amount of Tik Tok videos of them dancing etc. is overwhelming.


“It’s the reason the left wants to keep us closed …at least till nov.”

Who’s saying that? I’ve heard that from absolutely noone. The governor of Oregon has suggested social distancing rules stay in effect until there’s a vaccine which is projected to be sometime around November or after, but they’re still opening things back up, as long as people follow the distancing guidelines.

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Global conspiracy to keep Trump from being re-elected, or so I’ve heard from certain posters anyway. :roll_eyes:

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They make the same money with or without limits.

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The same reason we did, Panic.

Well that isn’t true. Much of continental Western Europe has at or near twice our mortality rates.

Let it run it’s course so we never have to deal with it again as a pandemic.

Protect those at highest risk and let the rest of us deal with it naturally and we’ll never have to worry about it again.

We’ll have a vaccine by fall/winter and we can then vaccinate the remainder of those at highest risk.

What we can’t do is shut the industrialized world down for every new respiratory virus that comes along with a 1% of lower mortality rate.

everything will come roaring back to normal after early Nov. trust me.

Barring something unforeseen we should be well along the road to recovery and back in positive territory by November.

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sure but just remember youll have tyrant wannabes dragging things out as long as they can, to keep control of people, continue ruining lives up to the election while extolling the virtues of socialism and Biden or who over replaces him.

like that loud mouth proudly dictatorial stupid idiot chicago mayor lori lightfoot or whatever

plus dems want to vote by mail so they can cheat their asses off. this will be the excuse

I think so as well. I think UE at around even 8 percent would be good.

If Disney and events resume…even better.

So you agree with the premise the President has been acting from all along. Albeit for different reasons.

Except you actually care about people at high risk.

Of course no one is admitting it of course. All one has to do is listen to the media and a great many dem governors, mayors, washington dems to get the drift of what they are after.

They are all losing that battle however as the nation is slowly reopening! :+1:

Whitmer from Michigan is a trophy as well. Yeah if they get that mail vote they will steal the election for sure. That’s why the dems are pushing hard for it.


Uhh there are 357 million people in America plus around 20 million off the books (illegals). Deaths to date are just south of 78,000. Do some 4th grade math and get the percentage then compare it to other countries.


So have I. I’ve used a gallon of hand sanitizer, but never stopped. The only thing that changed is that they shut down our Mexican restaurant, and even with that we order out every Friday, just so when this passes they’ll still be open.