How to end Antifa violence

It very well could be made up but they are defiantly beating people with something the journalist wasn’t the only one that got bloodied. And why are they attacking old men and homosexuals?

Start condemning the sick Polititions that allowed Antifa to do what you do best!

But they didn’t in this last incident.

Because their job is to silence free speech at all costs!

I am not excusing Antifa.

Anyone committing violent acts should be rounded up and tried for doing crime.

The situation on the ground though shows complete inaction on the part of the city and the Police to do anything about both sets of extremists.

There has even come to light that the police was working with Patriot Prayer to coordinate the protests. And remember, Patriot Prayer was the group setting up sniper positions and the police did nothing to punish that nonsense.

Portland is allowing a Charllottesville style protest and violence to happen on a frequent basis and the city doing nothing about it is an enormous failure on their part.

Brilliant summation! The sooner we get libs out of positions of power the sooner we have fewer idiots to deal with.

Absolutely needs to be stopped.

It’s like the script right out of the movie, “Gangs of New York”.

And how did they end it? Blow them all up and let God sort it out.

That honestly made me laugh

I think this is one of those situations were the right and left could show some bipartisanship and condemn the far right and the far left violence. The proud boys or whoever they are don’t represent my beliefs and I am sure most people on the left don’t support Antifa.

It will get harder for people to defend these fringe groups on the right and left as the violence gets worse.

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It’s not just the impact of some liquid if it was wet cement. The chemicals in wet cement cause burns.

Very true.

Sure… then it would be easy to show that people are getting treated in hospitals for chemical burns.

The claim makes no sense and the police have not provided any evidence that it happened.

Still marking this one up on the ■■■■■■■■ side.

What misapplication? A person is free to cover their face in public all they want here. Heck one sect of one religion even requires their females to do so and they are legally free to do so.

This freedom of course does not extend to private businesses and certain facilities such as large airports and other security sensitive applications.

As for being untrackable thats a whole different issue.

Yep. This isn’t complicated it’s like most people don’t know where the roots of ANTIFA come from/

Then either the mayor, the police chief, or individual officers (depending on who is responsible for the lack of action) need to be removed from their positions.

That would be the common sense thing to do. But the mayor disagrees.

Yep. They sit there with their thumbs up their arses and let a violent rampaging mob go berserk totally unchecked.

Was it illegal? Did they shoot anyone? Who defined them a snipers?


Yeah that’s how far we’ve fallen. Defending those setting up to possibly murder other Americans because of a difference in political opinions