How to destroy a nation

Actually the British, the Spanish, and the French have done more to spread Christianity around the world than any other nations.

They forced their colonial subjects to adhere to Christianity. Which is why Christianity is widespread throughout Africa and South East Asia today.

It was done by force.


Because there is no common ground even within Christian sects as to the path to save a soul, It is not the role of the Government to save souls.

That’s the point.

A people forced against their will, remain a rebellious people still.

Evil done in Christ’s name is not, by definition, Christian. I have said that churches, sects and “Christian” groups have done more to harm the cause of Christ than atheists and secularists.

What they spread was not Christianity.

You are correct, but it is not the role if government to hinder the saving of souls either. That’s what Satan must hinder and why he is working so hard to destroy.

Where has our government ever “hindered” the saving of souls?

Souls get saved tax free here.

The government doesn’t care whether souls are won or not. The government cares about ideas people will fight for. Some Christians believe in saving souls, others in charity. You can not gain control of people with strong religious beliefs.

Well that last part is demonstrably false… but other than that I am not sure what the point is.

Uhm… The peasantry of medieval Europe were extremely religious folk. And yet they were forcibly tied to the land by the nobility and literally had to work for free when the nobles called upon them. Religion was used as a tool to control them.

Oh so you’re only IMAGINING the day when you’ll be persecuted.

Sometime…one of these days…


Well, just a thought, but I’m sure if the baby could talk, and had a chance to vote,
he or she would vote for living.

Than again I’m a Republican, and am against murder. lol.

Ultimately, that would make it a two to one vote.

Or does the babies opinion not matter? lol.


Doesn’t everything unfold as per God’s plan? Can Satan modify God’s plan?

So of the two people with a voice, you think the father should be able to overrule the mother if he chooses life?

I should have said, you can’t subdue a people with strong religious beliefs. As I said in my OP, people will fight and die for their God.

Fear and ignorance controlled them, but countless martyrs went to their deaths because of their holding to truth.

As I said before.

That idea is demonstrably false.

The plan if salvation had been carried out, as will prophecy be carried out exactly as laid out in scripture, but we as individuals have the choice of applying Gods will to our lives.

It’s also not the only thing being done to destroy our nation. Family, country, wealth and freedom are the other things people will fight and die for.

Historically people have fought to preserve the wealth of the ruling class, not their own.

We still do.

War (historically speaking) is typically the young men of the lower and middle classes going to fight and die for what ultimately amounts to the sins and vanities of old men from a generation removed.

The question for the old nobility becomes “how does one inspire someone with either nothing or very little to fight and die for my cause?”

Simple. Stress nationalism, religion, the monarchy, the republic, the satanic nature of the enemy, so on and so forth to the common folk and they will gladly take up arms. Even if they ultimately have more in common with their immediate opponent than they do with the ruling class that sent them to hell in the first place.

Yes. Because the baby should have a voice also, and the baby is always
going to chose life. So that’s a vote of 2 against 1. How many guys normally
want a woman to get an abortion, but she doesn’t want one? She should keep
the baby, because the ratio is still 2 to one.

I guess the man’s point of view shouldn’t count though?
The woman must have slipped on a banana peel, and ended
up pregnant magically.

I wonder back when Rowe vs. Wade came out, if most of the male Democratic
Politicians were like yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! After they get their mistress’s
pregnant, they can just go have an Abortion???