How the Pandemic Defeated America

Like what? Specifics.

What needs to be changed that already hasn’t been or is in the works?

Trump has been preaching it since the day he announced.

And what was the response?

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We need pandemic defense funding that is viewed by the appropriators as being as necessary and important as our basic defense budget.

Preaching and doing are two separate things.

That’s not specific. To buy what? Do you know there is money sitting and not being spent? What did we not have money to buy?

It’s not about spending money for the sake of spending money. It’s about federal implementation around labs that can churn out diagnostics. Having abundance of PPE. Research and development of therapeutics and vaccinations. Researchers positioned across the globe, particularly in areas where virus transmission from animal to human tend to originate. Development of federal databases that can contact trace and track outbreaks. Establishment of a logistical supply line from a federal basis that can identify and then prioritize distribution throughout the supply chain.

Just read through it a second time. This part in particular stands out for me:

“…the COVID-19 debacle has also touched - and implicated - nearly every other facet of American society: shortsighted leadership, disregard for expertise, racial inequities, social media culture, and fealty to a dangerous strain of individualism.”

The author nails it. And as stated, if we get hit with anything worse than COVID we are absolutely ■■■■■■ if our pandemic response now is the best we can do. Hell, we have people disregarding Johns Hopkins, NEJoM and Lancet in favor treating clowns making youtube videos from their homes like more trustworthy sources of information. It is utter madness, and it starts at the top of national leadership.

Sobering and unnerving. As the author said, we need a full and honest accounting of where we failed at every level, including the individual citizen.


Agreed. And it’s going to take a wholesale change in perspective for this to occur. Do we have it in us as a people? I’m not so sure right now we do.

Do you have any idea how weak that is? He’s not a king. Are you really going to sit there and try to claim dems, and you, didn’t fight everything he tried to do every step of the way?

You collectively screamed racist about the border.

You collectively screamed about the tariffs and decoupling US manufacturing from foreign dependency.

You collectively screamed about global warming when he got us to energy independence.

And still are.

Tell me something, if the next much worse epidemic starts in Mexico, how do you think we’re going to keep it out of the very same hospitals you © claim are being overwhelmed now?

If it starts in Central America, the Mexicans will shoot them to keep them out. But it will spread. You think they’ll cross at the checkpoints and wait for a test?

We were getting our PPE from China. How long has he been yelling about US manufacturing?

You want to fight the programs, get them shut down or blocked, then turn around and blame the guy who tried for the results you © demanded?

What the hell kind of logic is that?

Yeah, he could have done better at “feelings”. Ok. But NOW you want to secure the border and manufacture in the US? Really?


Federal implementation of what?

There’s not going to be a federal track and trace database. That won’t fly with a rocket up it’s ass. You want to know why? Look at the other times you © demand a federal database and why.

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To do what? You think China didn’t have researchers in Wuhan? We helped pay for it!

A supply chain that originated in China who cut it.

Federal bases? You want to stockpile months of medical supplies where? If we had done that, we’d have 40,000 ventilators sitting in a warehouse at Ft. Drum, NY.

What was our preparedness grade on the independent audit in October, 2019? What was the grade on PPE?

There are some things that can be done, some lessons to be learned, but they aren’t what you blame Trump for.

The biggest lesson is; when the ■■■■ hits the fan, it’s every country for itself. If you ain’t already making it, you ain’t gettin’ it.


Too divided, too frightened/upset at the thought of being inconvenienced, too focused on ourselves as individuals to do what’s necessary for the collective.

Trust me - the second some people read that their knee jerk reaction will be “If you don’t like it then leave, commie.” And it’s partly why the next pandemic (and there will be one) could easily be much, much worse.

Complete and utter ignorance of “American”.

Or we could just blame Trump, ignore the bureaucracy and have an election.

Okay, thanks.


This goes much deeper than Trump, but he certainly played his role in this dumpster fire.

You betcha.

So stop being Americans?

What was his role?

Again and again and again until it sinks in…

No the attitude change is “the government can’t do it”…which I will agree was an overreaction to "the government should do everything”…but nonetheless it’s not surprising after 30 years of telling people government is the problem, and convincing them to vote for people that believe that, that we have a government that’s the problem.

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