How the Pandemic Defeated America


If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask). Facemasks may be in short supply and they should be saved for caregivers

This is not accurate at all.

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Well, Iā€™m just a regular person and I didnā€™t.

If I am a regular person then Iā€™d imagine there are many more out there like me. :woman_shrugging:

If anyone looks to a politician be it the President, the Governor or their local officials for answers then so be it.

Someone has to take the blame for lack of personal responsibility, right?

I remember when I was a kid it was the next ice age.

Donā€™t eat eggs. Do eat eggs.

Meat is bad. No, meat is good.

The list goes on and on.

I think as you get older you realize no one really knows what the hell they are talking about.

My philosophy? Did it come from Godā€™s green earth? Then it is good. However, everything in moderation.


Yes, thanks for posting that CDC missive from late March again. When you post it next, please also post when the CDC began recommending everyone in public wear a mask. I believe it was the beginning of April but will need to confirm.


If they didnā€™t know what they were talking about in March then why trust they know what they are talking about in August?

April, not August.

So if the CDC changed its recommendation in the span of two weeks, your instinct is to think ā€œWell they donā€™t know what they are talking about so I am going with the first recommendation?ā€

Cloth face coverings. One shot.

I wonder how much we learned in 5 monthsā€¦ :rofl:

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Nothing that changes that guidance. He knew. He said he knew. One shot.

You do seem to have been conflating the two (N95s vs cloth masks) ever s8nce weā€™ve talked about this.

No, Iā€™m not. You canā€™t defend this, you might as well stop trying.

Why did you link to an archived page? Why not look at the current advice. It might differ it might not.

Just curious why you chose an archived page,

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Have you been wearing a cloth mask in public since April?

Yes, like I said, trending down just like your link says. And yes, with it now across the whole country, that is a flattened curve. Interestingly, deaths are still relatively flat a month from the beginning of our current spike, a trend I also hope continues.

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I was wearing one in March when I couldnā€™t social distance. I know what the word ā€œrespiratoryā€ means.

Thatā€™s good to hear.

See, this is why we shouldnā€™t be testing. If we cut the testing in half the number of cases would be cut in half.

I mean really, its like if we didnā€™t test for pregnancy there wouldnā€™t be any unwanted pregnancies.


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I canā€™t tell you how much your approval means to me.