How soon will our good buddies the Brits

I thought from other threads that Iran was peaceful and the only problems were caused by Trump.


Let’s be happy “We came, We saw, He died” didn’t win in 2016 or we would probably already be in a couple of wars by now.

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Trump hasn’t made things any better either.

Absolutely. This is serious ■■■■■

You betcha the brits could handle them as could Omar’s buddies Israel if it was to happen.

It’s true. That would give him an excuse to hit them hard militarily and make proclamations about our greatness like we haven’t even heard before.

Perhaps. Doubtful tho. I’m no fan if that’s what you are thinking.

I am no fan of war either, it would be nice for another country to handle it. Imagine how much fun dealing with these radicals will be when they’re nuclear.

Back on July 4, Britain seized an Iranian tanker near Gibraltar that it said was carrying oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions.

Not that this justifies what Iran did today- but it probably was the cause of it.

I notice this hasn’t been reported anywhere in the media today.

We have the 5th largest Navy in the world,considering the size of these islands we punch well above our weight

Now that Trump has them refining again…

So you think they did this because of your seizure of their ship on July 4?

It’s just a matter of time, the end game has always been Iran with a bomb, we watched the same thing play out with NK. They are going for a bomb and have numerous times threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the world.

And unlike N.K. who sucks in a different way Shi’ites believe that at the end of time great wars will take place, and Imam Mahdi, the Shi’ites’ 12th imam, will reappear and kill all the infidels, raising the flag of Islam in all corners of the world.

Good times

Not strong enough to patrol and defend their interests in the Gulf?

If you say so, Admiral.

I hope the EU hangs the Brits out to dry on this.

Brexit time!

5th largest Navy sounds terrific, but essentially all you have is one carrier, six destroyers, ten sub and some frigates that are really nothing but shore patrol boats.

And what islands are you referring to? Iran is not an island nation.

The whole navy essentially consists of one carrier battle group. What do you think?

The islands that make up the UK,a tiny area compared to the countries above us with larger navies

I believe it is that and the fact we are in disarray at the moment as we are in the process of choosing a prime minister,makes it an ideal time to strike back for them.It will be interesting to see what happens because another conflict in the middle east would be incredibly unpopular