How much of the world's poverty do you believe the US can provide free stuff for?

I did not such thing.

Are you (yet again) doing that straw man thing?
You know where you make up imaginary arguments, pretend I said them, and the defeat those arguments?

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They have, that’s why the dumbasses are fleeing to o places like Florida. Except when they get here they’re finding out that crit-prog bull ■■■■ doesn’t fly.
They ■■■■■■ up their states up north and want to bring that same dumbassery down here?
Nah. Stay up there and embrace the suck you created.

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Except they don’t look at it sanely. It’s a travesty yes but it’s also an opportunity to expand the welfare state. Dependency equals Dimbulbcrat votes. And you know they’ll be granting voting rights also.
With a voting block it’ll be Demoncrat majority into perpetuity. Single party rule, you know communism.


Babbling for no purpose other than to babble.

Bye bye then…

lol. i notice teneessee aint rejecting the money to improve highways

from the WKRN website.

“Tennessee is set to receive more than $1 billion in funding for infrastructure repairs and projects, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration has announced.”


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“Rotten, Rotted Donald”? :joy:
Who the ■■■■ are you people? Get a life.
Get back to us with your enlightened perspective after you’ve been persecuted by the left at a level Trump has. The man as always says what millions are thinking and feeling. And frankly I agree with him.
In 2016 Trump gave Hilldawg a pass for the Russia hoax. He could have unleashed the justice department but let that dog lie. This time around? If, and I pray he does, take back the WH, I think he’s going to be collecting receipts.


Biden will easily surpass Trump there, especially if one includes what the open border is costing towns across the country.


That particular poster is going on ignore.

When all you do is just scroll by the nonsense because you know the position being presented is going to be pointless up front why waste your time.

I voted for Trump and I do not apologize for that vote.

The reality is that America and Americans were far better off during Mr Trump’s presidency than now under Biden and the Democrat party.

Inflation is stealing $11,400 annually from the average household…
8-10 million illegals are now in the country with December on pace to perhaps set an all time monthly record.
The Afghanistan debacle displayed Biden’s weakness to the world….we are now involved in two wars around the world…

That’s just a start…

It’s going to take a massive effort to undo the damage Mr Biden and the Democrat party have done. To be honest I’m not sure how you undo most of what Biden has done to the country.

You can’t undo end the money, how do you get 12 million or more people out of the country…a lot of people have needlessly died here at home and overseas…they can’t be brought back to life.

That’s your Biden legacy…

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Again, I addressed the statistics that you have been going back and forth with @Gaius in the OP in the context of our current situation. These statistics is under our more moderate approaches to immigration. So then just imagine incessantly flooding the country year after year after year with millions upon millions of people who are uneducated, have no marketable skills, don’t speak the language and come from abject poverty. So, if the welfare statistics are currently 60% what do you think they will be under this current scenario? And your only argument is “well maybe it’s just temporary.”

Furthermore, as I also noted, no sane country believes that good immigration policy involves bringing in millions and millions of people year after year after year to grow its welfare state with the hope that maybe sometime down the road the people won’t need it. And if you don’t think that we don’t have a welfare state in this country, your fooling yourself:

But hey what the heck let’s just flood the nation with tens of millions of the world’s impoverished an see what happens!

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Fox just reported our immigration courts are facing a record backlog of more than 3 million people…court dates are 8 to 10 years out.

Nothing about this situation has been handled in the best interest of the American people.


He plays this game on every immigration thread.
We have gone through the same discussion so many times I don’t whether to ignore him or get aggravated(or both.)

A small percentage of US immigrants are legal immigrants, (marriage vias H-1b engineer visas etc.)

So we produce some accurate article accurately depicting the combined totals and he plays little games trying to imply we hate marriage immigrants, legal engineer immigrants etc… Can’t win support for your ideas? Falsely accuse the other side of something then defeat your own false accusations.

He does it on almost every immigration thread.

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It’s because anyone with half a brain now should see that Democrats don’t give a ■■■■ about the American people. In the migrant coming across the border they see the ideal voter: a person living in abject poverty, who is uneducated, has no connection to America, who will be in low wage dead end jobs, and constantly needing public assistance for them and their children, and who will worship the ground that these lib politicians walk on.

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This country was built by tens of millions of poor and mostly uneducated immigrants.

That does not justify what’s happening at the border mind you.

But this idea that impoverished means permanently impoverished is silly

Yeah, but it’s built.

You’re forgetting some very important facts; back then there was NO welfare state, the cost of living was NOTHING like it is now, the types of jobs available to this group of people (uneducated/unskilled) to build the country were much more plentiful and paid a decent wage in relation to the cost of living.

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It is but it needs significant repairs. But that’s not even the bigger issue. Our birth rate is stalling.

They did not pay a decent wage. That’s ridiculous. Tenements were a thing.
That’s why the welfare state in part was created and is a necessity

The court backlog has been growing for years, and it did not start with Biden. It went up steeply under the previous regime. There’s a way to fix it. But Good luck with getting anything like that passed.

I should have worded it differently, the types of jobs available to this group of people (uneducated/unskilled) to build the country were much more plentiful and paid a better wage in relation to the cost of living than today. For example, in debates on the economy those on the Left often talk about the golden years of the 1960’s, well let’s compare that to today:

$1 in 1960 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $10.70 today, an increase of $9.70 over 64 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.77% per year between 1960 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 969.91%.

This means that today’s prices are 10.70 times as high as average prices since 1960, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 9.346% of what it could buy back then.

Furthermore, families were on a single income as compared to today where two income families are much more the norm.

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Now you are contradicting yourself. Your entire argument has been that a welfare state is not a necessity! :man_shrugging:

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