How much of the world's poverty do you believe the US can provide free stuff for?


So, in your crystal ball, with the below happening, when do you foresee these numbers subsiding?

The United States has broken annual records of illegal immigration under the administration of President Joe Biden, opening the floodgates for heightened levels of legal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to the Financial Times.

Deflectors on high, Capn!!!

not a star trek fan, i see :man_facepalming:

lemne help you:

“deflector screens to maximum”

“shields to maximum”

“make everything about my pathological hate of trump, sir”

Along with the “infrastructure” bill, the green new deal bill and all the money pissed away in Ukraine.

Nobody will be able to match Brandon for foolish spending.

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Is that supposed to say “heighten levels of illegal immigration?”

That doesn’t answer the question though. There are statistics for immigrants time on welfare.

Being on welfare and staying on welfare aren’t the same thing.

So presumably you are assuming to feed your bias.

What percentage and for how long

No sane country believes that good immigration policy involves bringing in millions and millions of people to grow it’s welfare state with the hope that maybe sometime down the road the people won’t need it. Try immigrating to Denmark or Norway for instance. Furthermore, it’s not just welfare as the two biggest costs are healthcare and schooling.

The article does not say.

Oh wait. I mentioned that. (I mentioned the fact that the article does not say.)

Might want to get an answer to the OP by asking these morons.

“Sanctuary” !
LOL :crazy_face:

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They should raise the taxes of the folks that live in such charitable cities to help pay for their kindness.


Dumbocrat party.

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Do you seriously ever read the stupid ■■■■ you write.

This thread is about America supporting the millions who might accept the invitation of the current president and the democrat party to come here and live off of we the taxpayers.

Under the Biden presidency we are on track to see at least 12 million illegals that we know of enter the country … with possibly 3-4 million gotaways on top of that number…

None of this happened under the previous administration.

Biden has literally put we the taxpayers into an unwitting partnership with some of the worst people in the world, the Mexican drug cartels who are selling access to America without our permission and then laughing all the way to the bank while we the people get stuck with the bill.

I can visualize you sitting in front of your device grinning at how cutesy you think your verbiage is…

It’s not. It’s just silliness…this is not a Trump thread…of course given Biden’s performance as president I get that there’s not much positive to say…but perhaps you could go find a Trump thread…there are several rather than derailing this one?

I don’t expect that to stop or even slow you down…but posts like the one above are just nonsense.

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…while irresponsibly ignoring the travesty to our nation happening at our southern border.

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Hey guess what, it was a maga man who brought up Donald MAY THEY ROT IN HELL ITS CHRISTMAS Trump not me. Because he just had to blame everyone and anyone else for the witless failures of the previous administration, just like Rotten Donald is wont to do.

If you look at Rotted Donald’s in the hole spending, he was already at the top of piling on debt before rona even hit. That’s how bad he was.

Yeah, he spent like it was somebody else’s money.

He thinks he can buy love.

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Question: Why is it USGOV responsibility to be stepdad to all these hole country governments the “refugees” voted for?

They got parents.


Again if they dont stay on welfare for more than a limited amount of time then its not a welfare state

And then you jumped to conclusions

I disagree with that metric. I think.