How much of the world's poverty do you believe the US can provide free stuff for?

Cleary one of the objectives of the Democrat Party with the open border is to grow the welfare state.

A 54 percent majority of immigrant households used at least one welfare program in 2022, according to the study. This figure includes those naturalized as U.S. citizens.

Even more migrant households use welfare benefits when those headed by a naturalized citizen are excluded.

A hefty 59 percent of households headed by either a green card holder or an illegal alien are on welfare, according to the study.

Now this is under our more moderate approaches to immigration, just imagine incessantly flooding the country with millions upon millions of people who are uneducated, have no marketable skills, don’t speak the language and come from abject poverty. After 4 years of Biden, we could be looking at easily over 10 million people all of whom can qualify for various forms of free stuff: Healthcare, housing, education, meals, welfare checks, etc. The Democrats answer to this is simply to process these people into the country faster! So instead of 2-3 million per year how about 5-10 million per year! How about in 10 years 50 million more people receiving free stuff at the US taxpayers’ expense? We could be looking at a 1.5 trillion-dollar price tag!

I suppose that the counter argument is that if by putting people on welfare we can lift them out of poverty then why shouldn’t we?


Kind of like drug dealers get people hooked on their drugs?


For many on the Left, free stuff from government is like manna from heaven!

…and yet supposedly…81 million don’t care.


…and knowingly pulled the lever displaying their approval for spending money “we” do not have.

Feeding 5 with trillions of loaves…


EK I hope you do not expect to get a well reasoned response to your OP from any of the idiots promoting/suporting this new open border policy.

They could give two â– â– â– â– â–  about the country, or their fellow Americans.

They just don’t care.

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54 percent

astonishing number, isn’t it.

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Crooked Donald piled on more debt in 4 years than any other president. He piled on more per year than any other president has. 72 million don’t care.

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Based on your support for the idiot in charge now, and the progressive polices pushed by leftists these days, I think we’re safe to assume you don’t care either.

Don’t worry about it though, when Biden’s term is done, he’ll put the spending that happened from 2017-2021, to shame.

Bank on it.

What percentage stay on long term welfare?

Why? If the welfare isn’t a permanent state and that figure doesn’t say that it is, is that still astonishing?

I posted this about 10 days ago.

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Those leftists who pay little or nothing in federal income taxes just don’t care.

Spending other peoples money is just great! :roll_eyes:

The article does not say.
It does say that the Percent of households headed by an immigrant who is either illegal not-yet-a-citizen is a tiny bit higher so presumably some small percent of the immigrants on welfare did not make welfare a long term plan, they just needed hep starting out.

I propose that since the article indicate a small percent made the transition we should not pretend some imaginary made-up large percent actually do. Sound agreeable?

Uh, huh…keep swallowing and regurgibleating your nonsense. Ds approved stupid bills that wasted money during Trump’s term and Brandon’s…even labeling it with dumb names so sheople would swallow it; the inflation reduction act. :crazy_face:


Nothing is ever Rotted Donald’s fault. He flips along weak and witless, always at the mercy of those smarter, more cunning, more powerful. Swallow and baa some more, I’m loving it.

He had nore 'Rona than any other President.

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“weak and witless”. lol. love it

def not biden tho. he’s the opposite huh?