How much longer are we going to pretend Biden is President?

So is his laptop from Hell.

Most laptops are from Hell, assuming by “Hell” you mean China.

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Anyone who claims that the president is illegitimate is a threat to democracy . . .


I also recall that just prior to the 2020 election, Nancy Pelosi said that regardless of the outcome of the election, Trump would not be President.

She knew, just like Joe knew, the fix was in.


I suspect that if Trump had actually succeeded in taking office, he would be pushing up daisies by now.

That would have started a civil war. A real one.

I think this says it all.

“In a constitutional democracy, the three branches of government have equal legitimacy. So attacking the Supreme Court as “illegitimate” is equivalent to attacking Joe Biden’s election as “illegitimate.” If it’s okay to do the former, it is also okay to do the latter.”

DineshDSouza, Jun 25, 2022, 21:51

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A broad claim about the court’s equivalence compared to a narrow claim against the president? False equivalence.

Also, legitimacy is subjective. You and I can have wildly different views on the court’s legitimacy. Who decides which of us is right? D’Souza? Please.:roll_eyes:

Yeah…Trump didn’t need no stinkin’ notecards!

They didn’t teach Civics when you went to school, did they?

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I doubt that Trump would have been gunned down in a Kennedy-style hail of bullets. That is so 20th century.

I am just speculating that Trump’s taking office would not have been conducive for his continued good health.

The same sort of thing happens with vocal Russian critics of Putin; they have a nasty habit of falling out of windows or ingesting mysterious toxins. Rotten luck!

The KGB and its western counterparts have learned that subtlety can be an advantage.

In unrelated news, the government is still withholding John McAfee’s body from his family. The bureaucratic red tape can be brutal.

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She did say that and the fix was in.

Apparently, you’ve never been a high level official with numerous competing demands on your time and a lot of big picture things to think about.

I have, and have served many people in such positions. The less time they have to think about minutiae, the more time they have to focus on issues that only they can decide. Good staff work means the boss doesn’t have to sweat details, or worry about making high-viz mistakes. I had staff that would prep me like that, and I provided the same for my higher-ups. Winging it seldom turns out well.

Drives my wife a little nuts when I ask her for a briefing before we go visit somebody. Old habits die hard.

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If you have to have someone tell you to take a damn seat…and YOUR seat at that…

The things that libs can defend with the senile, blithering idiot.


Nice try. The man ain’t at home.


Civics has nothing to do with D’Souza’s complete butchering of logic there.

I think Liberal Logic is different than others.

We do have three co-equal branches of government and calling one illegitimate because you don’t like what they did is no different than questioning the other.

Keep in mind Trump took office peacefully, greeted gracefully by Obama and welcomed to the WH. Put politics aside. Hillary didn’t call for her supporters to riot and take down the Capitol. She went walking in the woods, attended Trump’s inauguration, and was dignified in defeat after a truly hard fought battle interrupted by a ridiculous email scandal.

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Yes, the Trump inauguration was a mostly peaceful insurrection.

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