You know nothing about classification and declassification and who has authority to do what. So your post is malicious and lacking both honesty and authority. You are indeed a proglib.
The only reason Israel is our ally is because of strategic presence in Middle East. We armed them with nukes and weapons, we give them billions of dollars a year. Take away the weapons and the money, and Israel would turn on us like a drop of the hat.
Frankly I would be happier if Trump closed the Israeli Embassy. That move was a big “nothing burger” for me.
He has not started building “his wall”. He is taking credit for some construction projects that were already in the works before he came on board. He has moved money from different agencies to fund the continuation of steel bollard fencing that was already being constructed under President Obama. Not one millimeter of wall-fence has been constructed based on any of his prototypes he had built outside the San Diego sector. None of any of the construction that has taken place has been paid for by Mexico.
Yes. Fat Donald sat on his fat ass and signed a tax cut into law that was a HUGE FREAKING WINDFALL for the wealthy and corporate fat cats.
Hope you enjoy your CostCo membership little people. Just remember, your tax cuts diminish and end in a few years. The cuts for the wealthy and the corporate entities are permanent. Woo Hoo! Praise Fat Donald!
The Republicans in Congress gave us the tax cuts, all Donald contributed was his scrawl on the bottom line.
Yes. He freed up those pipelines. Woo Hoo! Gas prices have gone up since then. Heck Yeah! Oh his promise that it would be domestic pipe used in that construction didn’t work out all that well either.
Plus, as predicted, we have already had to perform clean-ups of leaked oil from the pipeline.
I think Trump’s family values wedding vows included his multiple wives saying that he can have sex with anybody he wants. You know, like most Republicans wedding vows.