How many devastating climate predictions have now been proven false?

Hopefully that doesn’t apply to anyone in the ruling class :wink:

Yes…it won’t work unless “we” all participate plus all of the industrial countries throughout the world and good luck with China and India.

We were in a little ice-age just a little over a century ago. Are we not supposed to warm out of it? Are we supposed to still be in the LIA? Is that what earth climate normal is supposed to be?

Just a couple years ago, the experts were reporting that global mean average climate temps “paused” and were flat for two decades.

Now we are all told we should be alarmed, and do what, empower government to decide what we shall and shall not do?

I believe that only Western nations are supposed to sacrifice, everyone else is exempt.

We have no control over China and India. So screw it, we’re doomed?

I don’t think they would be feasible in all areas, but it is a very viable option in some areas.

Do Democrats think that all Natural disasters are man made also?
I wonder what does more damage to this earth. Littering, or Volcanoes? Than again,
maybe we should just put all of the garbage in the world near Volcanoes. Poof!
All burnt up! lol.

In the blink of a geological eye, we went from NO man made emissions to billions of carbon based engines adding a gas to a fragile ecosystem.

How could this NOT effect the balance of our atmosphere?

Not to mention, the deforestation of the planet. again, from zero to touching a huge percentage of the planet in a anaosecond in geological time.

We are emitting hundred of volcanos worth of gas and particulates EVERY DAY.

Controlled burns are the most effective but if you don’t have the funding and resources it’s not done correctly and that is what happened in California, poor and unfunded Forestry management.

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There are about as many acres of forest in California as there are residents.

If they each take an acre, it’s a done deal.

Man can’t effect the environment. That’s why we have such large herds of buffalo.

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Medicine and fossil fuels (paradoxically).

There’s more CO2 in Washington DC than over the whole earth!!! Lets get rid of the Politics and do some honest work. If you and I went to work and didn’t accomplish anything we wouldn’t get paid. Yet, they get their checks and GOLD insurance and retirements for nothing!!! That’s where the global “HOT” spot is!!!

How many devastating climate predictions have now been proven false?

Hmmmmmmmm…how many predictions have there been? :sunglasses:

Sounds simple. How would you get LA residents to the centers of National Parks to do their acre? Do they get paid?

I call it back door Globalization.

Perhaps mainly fossil fuels. Appropriation of energy is perhaps the most important lens to understand the ramifications of human culture change. Beginning ,for argument sake, with with language, then consider fire, takeover of land (the origin of agriculture), animal labor, human labor (slavery), and drawdown, the mining of ancient sunlight.

One thing to ponder is that the eventual outcomes had nothing to do with the conscious intentions of the individuals or groups actually involved in the transitions.

They predicted it would continue to warm.

Lo and behold, still warming.

Seas still rising. Some coastal communities starting to disappear, but nothing to see here.