How Many Denials Were There?

Perhaps, but seeing as how I live in California in a place some folks here would consider the heart of “prog” I am more inclined to believe this is just the the latest in a series of misplaced culture based grievances from the right.

I keep a very close ear to my kids convo’s and I can safely say in their decade of life and public school teaching I have not heard once how white people are evil.

Nor something even remotely close to it, insinuated or inferred

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It’s also possible that your kids and their friends are smart enough to ignore the nonsense.

Have you ever noticed that the majority of the noise of CRT happens outside of mostly lib states?

I don’t here a peep about CRT here in CA. Our rep is Republicans and I live in a mostly republicans area. I have two kids and three nephews in elementary… 4 teachers in my family. Not a single peep about it.


Well duh!

Conservatives live in blue states/cities/counties

I know that is hard to believe

Sheep aren’t bleating at each other? They’ll cross your line eventually.

Some, sure, but if conservatives were in the majority (your word) the State wouldn’t be lib (also your word.)

Thus the “duh” response. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yet not a peep here in red country of California.

You have got to be kidding! Red California is a contradiction in terms. For gosh sakes 62% and 64.5% respectively went Dem in 2016 and 2020. That’s about as blue as it gets for any state.


I live in an area that has a Republican rep. Bright red.

So what.? California Republicans are on the whole, lean left compared to Republicans in solidly red states.

And sorry … What point were you trying to make again? I’ve kind of lost track.

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Lol they voted for Trump.

That I never hear about CRT in my kids schools. I have 4 teachers in my family, all republicans, not a peep.

That’s not surprising, 34% of Californians did.

Sorry, still not getting your point.

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The people in that picture look like the sort of freaks i would picture leading the charge. :roll_eyes:

It sounds like you’re making some assumptions that we need to unpack a bit.

I don’t find that funny. Tell me why that is funny to you.

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Look at Volume 4


So, what do you understand critical race theory is, as taught by post grad legal faculties?