How Many Denials Were There?


Zeus Leonardo

Disgusting. I saw a preview yesterday for a movie called “Whose children are they?” Which addresses this sort of unwanted indoctrination.

Should be pretty interesting. The virtual teaching that went on during the covid made parents aware of what was going on.

Much to the chagrin of teachers, school boards, and people like Terry McAuliffe who thought parents should have no say in what they are taught. :roll_eyes:


Patricia Bidol Padva and the NEA.

This should help…



Where was my Bailey?

Or do you still not understand the fallacy?

Teaching race critical consciousness in primary schools. The topic of the thread.

If you are trying to claim both have to be present in the same post, you don’t understand the rhetorical technique.

You didn’t create it, you just parrot it.

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This isn’t my Bailey. It’s yours.

It has to be my claim. You still don’t understand the fallacy.

What was my controversial, indefensible claim?

Oh no.

:rofl: It’s not personal.

Race critical consciousness in primary education.

Not my claim. That’s yours.

What was my claim?

It’s what you© are doing.

Have a nice day.

But you tried to use the motte and Bailey fallacy against me… yet you don’t know what I am claiming as the Bailey?


Hit the reset button and try again


Now we have arrived to the meme stage :rofl:

Critical Race Theory is:

A neo-Marxist faith system founded on the belief that the fundamental organizing principle of society is racism created by white people for the benefit of white people.

It is a conspiracy theory based cult. Racist Marxism.

They are not teaching CRT in schools; they are doing Critical Race Theory in schools. Praxis.




No. We have to teach them how to hate each other based on our differences first. Then teach them to read so they can learn how evil white people are.


I keep hearing it from here, but I just threw a birthday party for my son last month had a bunch of his friends and my daughters friends over…not a single peep over how evil white people are

Good. Maybe the progs who run your school system haven’t made it a priority yet.

But perhaps you ought to keep a close ear out on conversations between your kids and their friends on less festive occasions when they are talking about ordinary things rather than focusing on fun just in case.