How Many Denials Were There?

There is so much wrong in this paragraph, it is not worth a response. It appears you are too far down the rabbit hole.

I did not just “write it” I included more info from hose that study those things.

I understand some RW’ers have disdain for academics.

As early as the 1970s, when I was first looking for a job out of college, I remember ads specifically for blacks. Do not tell me they weren’t saying “whites need not apply for this opening”. They were saying just that.

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Link one?

I watched it. Have you?

You just described every history class…ever.

Should we teach history, at all, in school?

No one graduated from High School when I did in 1967 and not know about the colonial slave trade, slavery in the south, the civil war, reconstruction and the end thereof. You don’t need repeated images of someone who was lashed to understand what it was like to be a slave.
This is no new great discovery.
It was just not honed in on as if this was all history and your fault or not depending on your race.
The irony is that as any institutional aspect of this becomes less relevant it is centered on all the more, for political reasons.


What does “honed in on” mean? Why is it bad?

When we Jim Crow was happening, while you were in high school, it was not yet in history books.

Its a matter of degree which makes if subject to individual cases. However, the excesses usually come with the same language we see in the CRT rhetoric again and again.
Probably correct about the Jim Crow part in 1967, as that was the tail end of that period. However, the very tail end. To Kill a Mockingbird was one of the books we read in class at the time. This was not all hushed up. And no one, as far as I recall, was upset about it.


Affirmative action is not a myth. And neither are quotas and preferential hiring practices, by whatever name is given to them to make them appear to not be quotas or preferences.


And we understand why libs have so much adoration for academics. They are your gods. They can do no wrong.


I never said AA was a myth.

Quotas for school and employment are myths.
Much like tax cuts generate more tax revenue.

RW zombie myth. They never die.

No…they are not gods, and many times they get things wrong…but generally they are constantly studying, doing research and/or collaborating with others, seeking the best answers with the available data.

They are not myths. They just disguise them better now.


Your response sounds insincere … as if you worry they may find out that you said that, and they will think your faith is weak.

Is this like the lack of evidence of massive voter fraud, means there is massive voter fraud, but they are just getting away with it?

I have been in the position to hire people in government jobs. I know very well how the game is played.

A little more:

a theory is critical to the extent that it seeks human emancipation, “to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them” (Horkheimer 1982, 244).

Emphasis mine.

While Critical Theory is often thought of narrowly as referring to the Frankfurt School that begins with Horkheimer and Adorno and stretches to Marcuse and Habermas, any philosophical approach with similar practical aims could be called a “critical theory,” including feminism, critical race theory, and some forms of post-colonial criticism.

Now, Crits and Deniers will claim they are using “the broader sense”. The thing is, there’s no difference.

In both the broad and the narrow senses, however, a critical theory provides the descriptive and normative bases for social inquiry aimed at decreasing domination and increasing freedom in all their forms.

And here’s another little bite:

The issue for Left Hegelians and Marx was then somehow to overcome Hegelian “theoretical” philosophy, and Marx argues that it can do so only by making philosophy “practical,” in the sense of changing practices by which societies realize their ideals.


As I think we can all see and agree, teaching CRT in universities, using a CRT lens to teach anything in universities and primary schools, as well as using the CRT lens, even under the guise of DEI in the workplace, is all nothing more than Neo-Marxist indoctrination.


And to accomplish this change of practices critical theory requires the existing practices be labeled as oppressive, and that Marxist foundational practices be portrayed as the only path to an egalitarian society. Any who oppose these portrayals are labeled and demonized as an oppressor.


That’s not true.

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