How Many Denials Were There?

Maybe. What is the theme that is not honest? This?

“Some” would and did.

You’re gonna get whiplash arguing both sides as you do.

What a coincidence; I’m not ashamed either. Whatever connection I had to slavery in America was stripped away generations ago.

:rofl: Sure

And in your mind, the two are mutually exclusive?

I think you know better than that. A compilation of two events at worst. Not exactly unheard of.

A burning and shooting a freetown? They took it easy.

And there’s the problem! There is validity to “both sides.” The truth lies between “both sides”. Am I required to choose?

I refuse.

We all know there are two sides. We all refused already. That truth no doubt interferes with any delusional Solomon complex that readers here may have. That’s on them.

Sounds to me as though you have nothing to complain about other than the complainers. Something you and I have in common, huh. :wink:

Do we? Doesn’t seem to be the case.

As I said… that’s on you.

But only the acceptable, approved knowledge, right?


He gets 1 point for being creative, -10 for substance.

Crit epistemology!

Some people may draw that conclusion. But that’s on them. Would it be better if media didn’t write stories about slaves, or Jim Crow? Just avoid those stories all together?

Is it?

Do you mean like Affirmative Action, including racial quotas in university admissions and minority preferences in employment?

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Those interested on how the dramatization
“the underground railroad” relates to CRT can find on the internet multiple reviews. Apparently some here have not done their homework before commenting on it

I will readily admit I haven’t done my homework on “magical realism” movies.

If there are specific laws, customs or whatever that are not “fair” today, then they stand by themselves. Argue about what is fair today. The only thing honing in on particular areas of the past is to make descendants of people who were real victims out to be the victims…and the kid down the aisle to be the villain.
Its like having a class covering the higher crime rate among blacks, and showing case after case of a black person attacking a white person…and done for pretty much the same reason that would be done.


Myths, never die in the RW world.

You can’t just write “myth” by something and make it so.