How Many Denials Were There?

Oh another person who pretends to not understand the difference between using a thing and teaching the origins and tenets of a thing.

This is getting weird.

They are applying it, which is what parents have always been complaining about. That they incorrectly labeled it teaching CRT instead of applying CRT is an objection of semantics.


Explain those differences.

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What is it?

Parents are complaining about what they (incorrectly) believe CRT is. They don’t necessarily complain about teach about inclusion, diversity, racism… etc.

Parents think (without evidence) that teachers are standing in front of class telling black students “you are inferior” and telling white students “you are superior”.


I would be right there at the board meetings if I EVER heard of a teacher or school endorsing the literal teachings of white superiority. All black parents would.

And if a parent think that teaching about the CRA is going to influence their kids to feel superior or inferior… then sounds like more of a problem with their parenting than it is the teaching.

Except the application of CRT teaches whites are inferior, oppressors and with the original sin of racism. Not that whites are superior.


No it doesn’t. If anyone is teaching what you just typed… show me and I’ll be right with you condemning that.

That’s not CRT however.

How can one be inferior AND an oppressor?

No it just teaches that “whiteness” is an evil force and that ancestry and values of someone defined as “white” convicts them of the claimed offense.


Yes, I understand praxis well. Might want to review the source material, it’s in there.



Repressive tolerance, white privilege. Equity for equality of outcomes…


I had to read the article twice because I couldn’t believe that lady did all of that over a disagreement by parents over a mask mandate. This seems like it should be a race issue because the woman was a part of a committee on race… but it doesn’t seem so.

But it seems that way… I wonder if the woman was called racist names before the dox attempt or after. Seems like it was after.

She took this way too far…

What doesn’t seem so?

She need more training?

That her actions were due to attacks on her racial equity committee:… but rather mask mandates which is a different issue.

Maybe she only has one “lens”.


In order to understand our racial problems we have to teach and hone in on the racial injustices of the past, showing every detail of why white people are responsible and POC are victims and cannot be racists.

In order to understand the racial conflicts of today, we need to show in detail the higher crime rate by blacks, and show examples of violence by blacks against Asians and people of European background.

I don’t support either of the above propositions. They are offensive and only divide us and spread hate.

The Texas Law that is often referred to as an anti CRT law includes the following:

For any social studies course in the required
(1)A teacher may not be compelled to discuss a
particular current event or widely debated and currently
controversial issue of public policy or social affairs;
(2)A teacher who chooses to discuss a topic described
by Subdivision (1) shall, to the best of the teacher ’s ability,
strive to explore the topic from diverse and contending
perspectives without giving deference to any one perspective;
(3) school district, open-enrollment charter
school, or teacher may not require, make part of a course, or award
a grade or course credit, including extra credit, for a student ’s:
(A)A political activism, lobbying, or efforts to
persuade members of the legislative or executive branch at the
federal, state, or local level to take specific actions by direct
communication; or
(B)participation in any internship, practicum,
or similar activity involving social or public policy advocacy; and
(4)a teacher, administrator, or other employee of a

state agency, school district, or open-enrollment charter school
may not:
(A)be required to engage in training,
orientation, or therapy that presents any form of race or sex
stereotyping or blame on the basis of race or sex;
(B)require or make part of a course the concept
(i)one race or sex is inherently superior
to another race or sex;
(ii)an individual, by virtue of the
individual ’s race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or
oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously;
(iii)an individual should be discriminated
against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of
the individual ’s race;
(iv)members of one race or sex cannot and
should not attempt to treat others without respect to race or sex;
(v)an individual ’s moral character,
standing, or worth is necessarily determined by the individual ’s
race or sex;
(vi)an individual, by virtue of the
individual ’s race or sex, bears responsibility for actions
committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex;
(vii)an individual should feel discomfort,
guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on
account of the individual ’s race or sex;
(viii)meritocracy or traits such as a hard
work ethic are racist or sexist or were created by members of a
particular race to oppress members of another race;

Now, according to those who are offended by anti CRT bills, from how they describe CRT, this is not an anti CRT law at all, so all is well.

for the complete bill:

What part of this law is offensive, to anyone?


New York

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Amazing how they can go on and on and on without actually giving specifics of what they will do. That’s the advantage of a liberal arts education.

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