How long will Sarah last?

Yep. Cheaters and liars have no integrity. No character. Not that difficult to figure once you take off the partisan shades.

Who gives a crap what those liars in the press think?

Trump’s #1 critic as harsh as ever


I agree until she states something truthful that pisses Trump off … then he’ll dump her. Two years as WH Press Sec is usually the shelf life anyways.

They’ll be happy to make the claim. The memory hole will destroy all recollection of their support for Donald Trump. Complete absence of self reflection. Many of them will be earnest when they make the claim.

This is the Republican Party

Was a woman that slanders rape victims, lies plenty of her own, and covers for a sexual abuser that different than a man that does the same?

This last election the candidates were pretty much the moral equivalence of each other.

Don’t try to claim the high ground. There is no moral high ground for either party after who they each nominated.

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They really weren’t. Hillary was no saint. But she also wasn’t a Donald Trump. Let’s not try to revise history here.

hang on. is a Trump voter telling people not to claim the high ground? THAT Donald Trump?


No. She was not a Donald trump.

She just slandered accusers, and provided cover for men that were magnitudes worse than the Donald.

You might have a point if I voted for Trump.

Unlike you I didn’t vote for my party’s morally bankrupt candidate. You did.

hang on. is a Trump supporter/defender telling people not to claim the moral high ground? THAT Donald Trump?

No they weren’t. Not even close.

Is someone who slanders rape victims morally equivalent to someone who rapes women? Seriously?

But she didn’t actually grab 'em by the ■■■■■■ amiright?

  1. Did he?

  2. I DIDNT VOTE FOR TRUMP Because he’s immoral.

Who did Trump rape?

Not that an amoral adulterous playboy is much better, but at least it was voluntary.

I’ll claim that all day long. I didn’t support either.

I’d say before all is said and done that we will be able to find very few people who supported the Patriot Act, voted for George Bush or voted for Donald Trump.

I’m not so sure on that. Most that voted Trump are loud and proud, at least the primary voters.

In a Sadistic sort of way. My question is will she recover or will this do irreversible damage?