How is the one horse dog faced pony soldier working out

Talking about the Republican nominee for president in an election year is TDS? You must be joking.

They both have as much experience as Trump did, I’ll give you that.

I would rather not talk about Donald Trump, trust me. But Republicans just can’t quit him.

Since I remember some folks talking about 25th amendment with Trump, it’s only fair that now Biden gets the same consideration.


Nope. He’ll run again in '28 if he’s alive. And we’ll have to listen to that “sToP tHe StEal!” crap for 4 more years.

Yes, Joe " One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier" Obiden being beaten by Nikki, Don, or even Kennedy would be great.

Oh, No. That only applies to conserative minded unwoke candidates

I’ve always thought TDS is a very apt phrase for supporters and detractors alike, though for different reasons. What say you?

TDS is TDS, that is my opinion.

Narratives and notions are just narratives and notions.

Illegal aliens are border jumpers who cross illegally (migrants without borders in liberalese…)

Biden is way past reality. Let’s Go Brandon.

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I sure hope Biden will not run in 2028. Definately a case for elder abuse. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I doubt it. You guys couldn’t handle going off TDS cold turkey.

Any comment not praising Trump is TDS.

It’s like the line from “Christmas Story”…They just lay there and shout TDS! It’s their only defense…lol

How is Biden working out for you?

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Just fine for me…But he is too old to run again, as is your guy.

I would like to know who is the puppet master pull the strings on the One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier.

Obviously he is an elderly senior citizen who has lost his abilities.

His VP, Giggles, is not doing anything. She is out of touch.

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Let me ask you this. If Trump wins, do you actually think he is going to spend the majority of his time running the country? It’s going to be a 4 year revenge tour, thats the #1 thing on his list…lol. I’m kind of looking forward to it actually. Because there’s no way in hell he’ll able to control himself, he’ll say/do something stupid to get himself in trouble again. Its only a matter of time.

Sounds like a case of TDS.

Is there no hope for any president?

How is Biden working out for you?


And that sounds like a case of living in denial…

I already said …just fine.