How do yo explain fox news and conservative hypocrisy on north korea

Remember that scene in 1984, where the speaker is handed a piece of paper and suddenly “Eurasia” becomes “East Asia” (and vice versa) without pause in the speach and every one at the Ministry of Truth works for days to make sure that it was always that way round, instead of the other?

I posted this in one of the other threads but I think it’s worth repeating here…

This is North Korea blowing up a cooling tower on June 27, 2008 as a gesture of stopping their nuclear program. The Bush administration responded by lifting some sanctions… Obama was sworn into office in Jan 2009. It turns out this was an old processing plant and they President Obama imposed reimposed sanctions on North Korea when it became clear that they had not honored their commitments.

You can certainly make the argument that Kim did not take over from his father till 2011, but let’s not pretend like there isn’t a long timeline of North Korea deceiving the west…

That’s funny. The mere fact that you aren’t aware is evidence of your bubble.

That’s baaaaaeautiful.

Then you need to get outside of your circle or…“bubble”?

Told ya…

OMG… and the want her to go away. Talk about peter denying Jesus!

I’m a liberal in a conservative district in Texas, grew up in a conservative Christian family (parents were missionaries), go to a conservative church, and have mostly conservative friends. I hardly live in a bubble.

Confirmation bias.

Whatever that is supposed to mean, it evades the fact that Fox News drives the Republican Party, now Trump in particular. People influence Trump by going on a Fox program. Trump picks his advisors from the ranks of Fox News pundits. Sean Hannity is probably one of the most influential advisors to Trump.

I don’t want her to go away. I think that is what you think D’s want. Just like I don’t want Obama to go away either. They both have voices in the Democratic Party.

I suggest you stop listening to Fox pundits who tell you D’s want that.

Naked partisanship.

Both sides do it, few on either side honestly cop to it.

Speaking of Fox News, Trump, and NoKo:

He admires them. He always has.

That, or maybe just envious of their position - total power, no pesky checks and balances or a critical press.

Nah, my absolute favorite thing ever is the article where he praises China for massacring the Tienamen Square protesters and calls Gorbachev a little bitch for winding down the Cold War.

matches what he has said on the campaign trail in relation to the leaders of China, Russia, Philippines, Turkey one of the very few things he has not changed 180 degrees whenever he is called on it.

the Mussolini one is my top

First explanation for all of this that makes some sense. I could see it.

Like in the West Wing: it’s the price you pay for being rich, free, and alive all at the same time.

When he was retweetig Il Duce quotes?