How covid-19 is really effecting the election of 2020

Thanks! I very much encourage Trump supporters to believe the opposite. :slight_smile:

I’m sure you do. No skin off of my nose :laughing:

Excellent! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


lol all right, all right. You win. :slight_smile:

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I already know that. :wink:

Knock it off please.

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And no Republican will ever have a chance in Maryland thanks to democratic gerrymandering. Which you seem to approve of.

The nation should follow the California model on gerrymandering.

The Governor of Maryland is a Republican.


And Arizona’s model.


Dude. That’s from October 15, 2019.

What has changed since then?

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Gee…one would think things have changed since OCTOBER 2019…

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Mark Zandi said that in October 2019. Here’s what he says now:
““The winner is Joe Biden. The [former] vice president beats Donald Trump, but it’s not a slam dunk,” he said. “So despite everything, despite double-digit unemployment, it’s still going to be a close election, at least according to our modeling.””

And he says this now:
"The next update of the Moody’s model, he said, will show Biden defeating Trump 279 to 259 — a win, but hardly a blowout, even despite the potential for mass joblessness on Election Day.

The relatively narrow margin, Zandi says, is because of a few factors working in Trump’s favor: He’s an incumbent, his base is sticking with him and the Electoral College favors him."

Womp womp. :joy_cat:

Keep up to date on these things. Amirite?


Seen tonight on social media:

“In an alternate reality where Clinton is president, they are currently on their 11th Senate hearing investigating why 300 Americans have died from COVID-19.”


How can a statewide election be subject to gerrymandering ?

And he’s tried to fix it but can’t. Dems in Maryland won’t give up their power.

Good question for @tzu

It’s just like North Carolina.

The dems took the rs to court and won. Gonna flip 2 seats to Democratic this congressional election.

How is the court case proceeding?


Nothing’s going to change and the Dems love it. Not a single objection from them. Gerrymandering is cool as long as it’s the Dems doing it.