How can Trumpsters logically complain about bad language in the media?

the Ds need to grab voters by the ■■■■■ next time. or cheat on their wives with XXX stars. or try to steal people farms via eminent domain. or pay off women after affairs.

or golf a lot.

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^^^ Look another ill informed leftist. Tell me was it civility when Obama ripped the White House press corps in a “profanity laced tirade”?

Oh, so now Obama isn’t smooth talking but capable of profanity-laced tirades?

Get your narrative straight.

Civility = Ann Compton ABC News White House correspondent said Obama gave the press hell in a profanity laced tirade, that she witnessed Obama’s anger and colorful vocabulary firsthand on more than one occasion.

Work on your reading comprehension, it makes my point brilliantly not surprised it went over your head. You people think Obama is the poster child of civility, when in reality he’s no more civil than Trump when the Camera’s are not rolling, hence he’s a faker, a phony.

i bet if you showed our president some of the pics in the avatars here, he’d call any of the real real people in those pics horrible names. pigs. ugly. etc.

or if he saw the people that posted here in real life he’d say terrible things about them.

he’s just a bad human.

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No one here denies your brilliance.

Who’s your favorite bluesman?

More civility from the left…ABC News, Leon Panetta got into a profanity laced screaming match at the White House. According to intelligence officials, Panetta erupted in a tirade last month during a meeting with a senior White House staff member. Panetta was reportedly upset over plans by Attorney General Eric Holder to open a criminal investigation of allegations that CIA officers broke the law.

These three for starters Jimmy Thackery, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Bonamassa. I have Thackery’s Hobart’s Blues playing as I type this.

I feel like the default answer should be Robert Johnson, but I’ve always been partial to John Lee Hooker.

I resonate more with 3rd-4th generation blues artists. LOUD amps, dirt, fuzz, distortion. On occasion I listen to Hendrix playing blues with…wait for it…his amp’s feedback. :open_mouth:

Tom Arnold recently defended his ex-wife, Roseanne, and said she’s mentally unstable and didn’t really want to do more episodes. He also said that he met President Trump (before he was President) and said that Trump went up to him and said “Why did you marry a fat woman?”

For the record, I do not care what Rosanne tweets or the vulgar language Samantha Bee or what Tomi “Rage Barbie” Lahren says about men’s junk. These people are just as “ill-informed” as the rest of us. What I do care about is how our elected officials behave. These guys are suppose to represent our values and be grown ups. The fact that we have a President, who is extraordinarily ignorant, acts like a 2 year old, and lacks any ounce of credibility, is really the issue. It’s utterly ridiculous and sad that the right-wing feels the President can say the most outrageous things and slander people, but Bee using the c-word to describe Ivanka is so out of line.

BTW - Bee calling Ivanka a “feckless you know what” was actually the least offensive part. Later in her statement she asked Ivanka to wear a short dress and hit on her father.

All of us say crazy stuff or say have crazy conspiracy, but none of us make these comments in public. We have something called “restraints” and thinking before speaking. Trump has this disturbing “shoot first, think later” mentality.

I never voted for Obama, but at least, he was a decent person (Just like W and H.W) and loyal husband and father. Virtually all of his crazy thoughts were kept inside and didn’t express them through twitter. He didn’t go into profane-laced campaign rallies. I can’t say the same thing about the current resident of the White House. He’s just a bad seed. The fact that righties make excuses about his lying and foul-language, yet claim to be the party of morals, is ridiculous and extraordinary hypocritical.

i don’t know if that’s true or not but i’m sure there are a lot of fat women that post here or have posted here. i’m sure there are a lot of ugly or fat women that will defend Donald Trump to the death. he, on the other hand, wouldn’t give those same fat/ugly women the time of day.

You prefer to believe Obama’s phony public façade, exactly my point. A man with character won’t talk ■■■■ about you behind your back. Obama? He smiled and wooed voters in the Mid-west then hours later with his liberal pals in San Francisco he was mocking the very same people as stupid morons who cling to their guns and religion THAT’S who Obama is.

^^^ made up fabricated nonsense. Its interesting how you people always have to make up lies to attack Trump.

^^^ obviously a person who completely ignored the stuff Trump has said in the past.

now, i’m sure it’s more comfortable to block that stuff out. otherwise you come face to face with who he really is and how he’s talked about other humans.

just in case anyone wants to know what Trump voters have to block out with respect to his words about women…

“Trump has insulted women publicly countless times in his professional life. He has referred to women as “fat,” “disgusting,” “ugly,” a “piece of ass” and rated women’s physical appearances on a numbers scale. Trump has ranked the famous women he wants to sleep with and compared women to buildings or works of art.”

You are fake news, Trump loves his supporters and you can’t prove otherwise because you made up a lie. Here have some of these :lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:

"Donald Trump mocked Carly Fiorina’s face when sitting with staffers during his campaign, a Rolling Stone reporter recounted in a Sept. 9 article on the then-presidential hopeful.

“Look at that face!” the magazine reports him saying as an image of Fiorina popped up on the television. “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” He apparently added that he knows she’s a woman and he shouldn’t “say bad things” but “folks, come on.”