How can Trumpsters logically complain about bad language in the media?

You shouldn’t lie and make stuff up ^^^ here have some of these :lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:

Its not my fault you are poorly informed, or my job to educate you. Google it or choose continued ignorance it makes no difference to me.

Nice work of not being able to prove anything and then deflecting! You win…lol

Atta girl!

Except he didn’t keep his campaign promises and bullied and belittled freshmen congressmen.

For Americans, not America. The NVA were no threat to America.

I see you made your choice, no surprise there.

Not what I said. Take it back to what I actually said, not to a ridiculous conclusion…

You believe Hollywood dictates the cultural tone? Then again, Donald spent a great deal of time as a TV celebrity and hung out with others, so maybe you’re onto something.

Did you not say that two people who use vulgarity on television should either both be fired or both not fired?

I find myself agreeing with those who argue that Donald didn’t usher in some new age of vulgarity and incivility, but rather he’s simply a product of it. That said? Trumpists look particularly foolish when they express outrage at other people’s insults and bad behavior. They should be celebrating all of this as the death of political correctness and everyone telling it like it is.

I respect that point-of-view. If the President can be vulgar and politically incorrect, so should everybody else.

When did civility and manners become “smooth talking” from a “fake” politician?

Oh wait - when we became the Disunited States of Trumpistan.

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That musta hurt.

Which part.

The first sentence.

Not especially. I’ll grant you that Donald exhibits a certain low cunning, he’s only bright enough to exploit the zeitgeist, not transform it.

I agree. He does understand the schwerpunkt though.


Huh? No. Center of gravity.