How are we gonna slow down the gigantic increase of our debt?

I’ll further expound by saying that our problem as an electorate is convincing ourselves that we only have a binary choice. Sure there are a few that will stand on principle and vote 3rd party but almost universally we will vote D or R because we think if we vote 3rd party is is a vote taken away from the lessor of two evils. Ross Perot as the closest guy in history to break this trend and it still failed.

Bottom line is the two parties have found a way to bake themselves in and pretty much no one is willing to step out on a limb and fix that, so we find ourselves stuck with the same ole thing cycle after cycle. I don’t think that will be changing anytime soon either.

For too many years, the US has depended on other countries to fund our debt. We are, as a singularity, the world’s best economy so the rest of the world “needs” us.

Yes, we’ve built an economy on a mixture of cheap foreign goods and more expensive domestic ones. We’ve also built humongous debt because our central government is a bloated beast. We created a government funded retirement plan with health benefits, and now we’re about to run out of funding for both of them because people are living longer and the current population is not increasing quickly enough to meet the costs. And we have the world’s largest military by far (but seemingly not enough for Trump).

We do have to figure out this ■■■■■

After Trump, he’s a rude wart we have to excise.

By voting! We have to put up with this ■■■■■■■■ for 2 more years. The white-headed ■■■■■■■■ waiting for his moment with mother is no better (seriously, I think he’s worse).

I don’t look forward to 2020. Unless there is a breaking point, the only person who can beat Trump is Roseanne Barr after she admits she is a angry lesbian and that suppressed anger made her embrace Trumpism.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Only way we bring deficits down is through a balanced budget amendment. R’s will lower taxes and spend and on what they think is important. D’s will raise taxes and spend spend spend spend spend spend on what they think is important.

Its sort of sad actually because Trump is no more the solution than the guy before him and the guy before him and so on and so forth for decades and yet our current crop of electorate seem the think so. This is why we keep ending up with the same ole ■■■■■■■■■ every cycle. Literally we managed to elect a guy most recently who promised the world and to this date and will never deliver what he promised. But we will justify it by rewarding the small tokens that some think they have won. For example. Those on the right would be perfectly happy voting for Trump again in 2 years because he appointed a judge to replace a likeminded judge and that is it. No healthcare reform, no deficeit reduction, a meaninless meaning with a now legitimzied dictactor… Trump is COOL.

On the other hand the other side hasn’t offered any alternative either to effect meaningful chance. Its almost astounding how quickly people the principals they pretend to care about when it comes to politics.

Never gonna happen.

Might as well wait on your lotto numbers to pay off.


Dems will spend and raise taxes on the wealthy.

Repubs will spend and cut taxes for the wealthy.

This is an unchanging pattern for decades. Don’t even pretend to think it isn’t.

One of the two is even more destructive deficit and debt wise than that other. Won’t take two guesses to figure out which.

Do you agree or disagree with this part:

R’s will lower taxes and spend and on what they think is important. D’s will raise taxes and spend spend spend spend spend spend on what they think is important.

The notion that Democrats spend more than Republicans is funny and untrue

No. I see no difference in the level of spending by either group. All of them are drunk on the money they rob from us.

Correct me if I’m wrong but which majority in congress and which president just signed the biggest budget in our history? Two guesses.

Do you agree or disagree the only way to reduce deficits is a balanced budget amendment?

Do you foresee republican’s balancing the budget? Do you foresee Democrats balancing the budget?

I dont forsee either party passing a balanced budget amendment. Neither can live within their means and attract enough votes to retain power, and that is what it has always been about . Us voters are the fools to keep voting for them