House now voting to condemn QAnon & conspiracy theories

A different cake isn’t the cake you had. Come on, now.

Has anyone else never visited any of these sites, message boards, social media feeds…of qanon??

I seriously would have no idea who these people are if not for mentions on this board (and I avoid all of those discussions as well), and the recent uptick in media stories.

Sounds like a giant boogeyman turned strawman turned boogeymen.

Black folks that hate white folks are just as racist as white people that hate black folks.

No difference.

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Pelosi wants a relief package of over 2 trillion dollars loaded with favorite pork projects.

The senate proposes a 500 billion dollar aid bill instead.

GOP in the house voting for it too.

Take names. make list

The arrow points to 10:30…just before Eleventh Hour.

Qult in uniform; what could go wrong?

Cry me a river. The Dems have passed plenty of bills to help those in need, one being the Hero’s Act.

Please direct your anger to Mitch McConnell. He seems to think filling the Court seat is more important than putting food on the table of millions out of work.

In other words the Dem controlled House is condemning freedom of speech & freedom of thought for one side only. And for those who feel they are on the correct side so it won’t effect them, better think again because there are hordes of Cubans and Venezuelans who thought the same thing and that’s how they got ensnared into the misery of socialism.

No one is condemning the general concept of free speech.

The House has voted to condemn very specific speech.

This isn’t about “sides”.

Oh no. Who? When? Where?

Actually, they are not condemning specific speech. Qanon is very vague and has no specific things that you absolutely have to believe to call yourself Qanon. Think of Joe Biden’s defense of Antifa in the debate. And idea, or group of vague ideas, rather than an organization…

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Qanon is very specifically 150 years of anti-semitic tropes.



Good Lord, you can’t be serious.

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There we go. Wrongspeak.

10th anniversary of USCybercom

This is plenty fun

Could you make that more vague? Probably not.

Qanon murders babies…oh no, that’s democrats and Planned Parenthood

Qanon riots, loots and burns in the streets, oh no that’s democrats and BLM &Antifa

Qanon kills baby kittens, no that’s democrats too.

Qanon lies, ah…no that’s the democrats and FAKE news

All of these kidnapping plots involve people who are trying to take their own children back after the government took them away from them and put them in foster care. My first question would be on what basis is the state taking their children from them, before I would judge that. If the state had a legitimate reason other than that they believed in some of that Qanon stuff, then I would say they were in the wrong for doing it. But people don’t need to be somehow influenced by Qanon beliefs to want to take their own children back from foster care.

"Over the last several years, numerous QAnon believers have allegedly kidnapped their own children following the false belief that Child Protective Services is involved in a child-trafficking cabal. "