House fails to override President Trumps Veto

Did Trump declare a national emergency because he couldnt get his way in congress? Legality is not important. It could very well be, still a subversion of Congress’ constitutional authority.

Follows the letter of the law, but not the spirit of the law. Executive overreach of congressional powers.

Courts will have the final say.

You sure you want to go down this road?

This. This is exactly the point thanks.

This move was really expected. Things are way too partisan in Congress right now for enough people to act on principle and override the veto.

Probably because it’s “the first aimed at spending that Congress explicitly denied…”.

Like you quoted in your post. Trump is not a victim, and he’s not a King.

Real conservatives don’t. Real liberals don’t either. And it has nothing to do with the name Trump.

That’s a question for the Supreme Court.

The National Emergencies Act does not give the President power to appropriate funds. It only gives him the power to declare an emergency - it does not define what powers that emergency gives him.

The laws defining emergency powers are separate laws - and those are the ones in question here.


I believe that the National Emergencies Act of 1976 is an unconstitutional law.

“The effort by President Trump to unilaterally increase funding for the border wall is unconstitutional for a simple but little noticed reason. The statute from which he claims to derive authority, known as the National Emergencies Act, is itself unconstitutional.”

Isn’t that trolling?


No. He did not. The Constitution is VERY clear on this point. And without an amendment to the Constitution, what Trump did was beyond his authority. Regardless of the NEA and this administrations bastardization of its intent.

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Yes. But they did not pass law that abdicates their appropriations authority to the Executive Branch and runs counter to the Constitution. Did they fail to predict an authoritarian regime like Trump’s coming along and making a mockery of the legislation for populist campaign promise fulfillment? Sure. But that doesn’t make it any more legal or Constitutional.

No it is neither, he used the power as per the statute which was duly passed by congress and signed into law decades before he ever took office.

Trump is acting under the law, get over it.

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The fact that Trump is acting under the law does not mean that the way he is using it is constitutionally allowed.

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He is circumventing the Constitution. And no, I won’t get over it. I actually give a damn about our Constitution. Even if you don’t.

ETA: I’m sorry, only when it’s convenient for you.

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As soon as the law is overturned let us know, till then it’s just partisan whining.

Horse ■■■■■ you hate Trump and haven’t given a damn about anything else since he was elected.

Don’t worry, it’s already in the courts. We’ll get a ruling soon enough.

And there’s zero chance the SCOTUS rules against the administration since he’s following the letter of the law short that is of them overturning the NEA.