House Dems Launch Sweeping Probe into Trump Corruption

Season 3 is spectacular so far.

It’s going to be a ratings bonanza for sure.

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This one is going to be fun.

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Because she won’t shut up.

So FoxNews is just fulfilling their journalist duties? Has nothing to do with the right’s obsession? Their need to keep the Clinton boogey man alive? Nothing about any of that?

I don’t watch Fox News. Lester Holt.

Dear Lord, they can’t give up the collusion crapolo. Shouldn’t they have at least waited till Mueller gives his report? lol i never used the word witch-hunt but the orange man is right this looks like and obsession now.

They need to drop all their investigations into Trump and reopen the Clinton email investigation.


I don’t see this as a bad thing. This is how checks and balances were designed to work, no ?

Bro, he’s a stud.

What were your thoughts on Whitewater? Political circus, set precedence or both?

What I noticed about the list is that is was alphabetized by first name, not last as is common.

I was wondering why Ivanka wasn’t on that list, but I got the answer fairly quickly.
Democrats, thank you for voting in droves and taking back the House.

I noticed the NRA among the list of names in a corruption investigation. Something that is starting to be become more common.

This goes beyond collusion. They’re looking at his businesses, possible money laundering, obstruction, campaign finance- the works.

They are not really comparable hearings unless congressional whitewater hearings began even as the Special Counsel was wrapping up his investigation.

Only if we’re being consistent. The FBI and the state of Arkansas are involved in investigating anything related to his finances, taxes, or business dealings then like the FBI and state of NY now

They did. I guess you’re going with set precedence

Parallel to the Independent Counsel track, both houses of the United States Congress had been investigating Whitewater and holding hearings on it. The House Committee on Financial Services had been scheduled to begin hearings in late March 1994, but they were postponed after an unusually angry, written communication from Democratic Banking Committee chair Henry B. Gonzalez to Republican Jim Leach. Gonzalez called Leach “obstinate”, “obdurate”, “in willful disregard” of House etiquette, and “premeditatedly” plotting a “judicial adventure”.[37] The House Banking Committee began its hearings in late July 1994

1995-1996: The Whitewater hearings. (Senate Special Whitewater Committee)

The Senate’s special committee to investigate Bill and Hillary Clinton’s investment into a failed real estate venture in the Ozarks began hearings in July 1995. The committee met more than 50 times and took depositions from almost 250 people. The proceedings were characterized by partisan bickering and battles over the release of documents. Additionally, Democrats blocked Republican efforts to give special immunity to a key witness, former Arkansas banker and municipal judge David L. Hale. In their final report, Republicans on the committee described Hillary Clinton as having a pattern of “concealing, controlling and even destroying damaging information,” although they did not directly charge her of engaging in criminal behavior. The hearings overlapped with the work of special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, whose probe ultimately led to the uncovering of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.”

That sounds comparable to me as well. I wonder if @DougBH agrees

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Too funny…

Lets move those goalposts…