Hope Hicks tests positive for coronavirus

It is being reported that both the president and first lady tested positive.

I fear that she might have infected a whole bunch of senior staff members.

Maybe the entire WH staff. I’m concerned for Biden now. That idiot Hicks was at the debate without a mask.

Hold on though… isn’t the incubation period 5 days?

Wouldn’t that mean that Trump caught Rona last Saturday?

I heard a doctor tonight say that the way Trump was shouting on stage he could infect Biden, Wallace and a lot of people in the audience.

The incubation period has been shown to be all over the map. It seems to be dependent to individuals.
The only thing that they have been pretty sure about is that the 14 day number is pretty consistent that if you have been exposed and don’t show signs or test negative you are safe.

Supposedly everybody was tested before the debate so they could go maskless.

Could be two days, could be 7 days. I know one thing though, trump and his merry band of idiots are a ■■■■■■■ disgrace putting other lives in danger.

I heard that the public health official offered masks to those in the Trump party at the debate and they all declined.

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And I believe it will cost him the election. He was dumb and it is going to cost him.

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I believe that as well. His whole “open everything up” narrative just went down the toilet.

Not only that. I think the debate schedule just went into the toilet.

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He screwed the pooch big time for being an idiot and a super spreader. He’s basically going to spend at least half of October in quarantine.