Homeless become liability for Democrats

You’re state probably has more. :rofl:

Where the state admits they messed up and identified who they wronged but then shrugs their shoulders? Not likely.

Yeah, and they’ve wrongfully convicted far more people than most other states too. No surprise being it’s one of the most corrupt states in the union. :wink:


Sure there are 40 million residents.

However currently Missouri is KNOWINGLY keep 2 innocent black men in prison. They have also said if they do release them… they won’t get a dime from the state.

Clean up clean up…

Yep, and they’ll get compensated for their time. Fear not though, there are more than two white people in the same predicament. I look forward to August 28th. :wink:

I’ve always thought the best two prong approach was on a cattle prod…

utopia is right around the corner, move along…

They’re leaving because they ruined one of the most beautiful states in the US and now they’ll tell their new hosts, where ever they go, what they’re doing wrong…cuz they soooooo smaaart. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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If they let them stay, oh that’s bad!

If they go to move them out, oh that’s bad!

Ok, so what’s YOUR solution?

It’s a myth. Sorry. People who can enjoy beautiful weather, landscape and people are staying. Assuming they can afford to stay.

…if not, pitch a tent on Venice Beach or poop in the streets of San Fran…amirite? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Better there than in any southern state :wink:

You can print a house for like ten k these days. Added bonus, it’s concrete so it’s hard to burn down and earthquake proof.

Bring in 1 million illegal immigrants and commandeer existing housing to house them. Oh no. That’s Biden’s solution.

Issue these to the homeless.


Tax cuts for corporations and the rich?

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Maybe repay the 24 BILLION borrowed from the Federal Government to pay the state portion of unemployment payments?


Or maybe put some toward the 160 BILLION defecit in the state retirement fund?

Those two items alone are 180 billion. Not to mention the states 143 BILLION dollar state debt. So sure, California has a 75 billion dollar budget surplus. But that pales in comparison to the 300 billion state debt.

Here’s a video of the clean up in Venice beach? I don’t think they are sending them to homeless shelters.

How will California repay its soaring unemployment debt?

Is the answer in this 2700 page bill?

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It’s amazing how much they cleaned out the homeless in Cal. They are doing it by using sanitation workers to “Clean Up”. So, they just take the homeless people stuff like tents etc and throw it away. If you put up a camp the just throw it out.

It’s odd there is not a word about it in the press. Don’t get me wrong,I happy they are doing it. But,I’m sure if the reps had power it would be all about “Where are they going to go”. But it’s the dems in power, so the media is silent. Seems they don’t really care…

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Put them all in jail, give them shelter, food, clean them up, give them haircuts, detox them, train them to be useful and when they can prove to be productive members of society let them leave.

Why jail?

Isn’t there a cheaper place to house them?