Hollywood Doesn't Want White Actors, Say Movie Execs

The book is good also.

I was way into H.P. Lovecraft in high school.

Later I got to learn about how virulent of a racist and misogynist he was.

The book is really good at taking that mythos and turning it on it’s head. It was also where I learned about the Green travel guide.

Yeah, there have been a lot of shocks to people with the shut downs. :wink: I had my parents down here starting in December. My mother was told she had stage 4 carcinoma and the tests looked really odd to me so I brought her to Houston for a second opinion. Turns out she had a carcinoid and they’re treating it with shots rather than having end of life discussions. We thought she would head back to Nebraska in March… I ended up renting an RV and driving them home at the end of May. Now they want to come back because their retirement home is on constant lockdown. :smiley:

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Overly long imo.

It was pretty funny to see a bunch of places on the Gowanus canal in Brooklyn stand in for Philly though.

does Scorsese make movies under three hours :smile:

I think that a good hour could have been cut out of the Irishman and it would have been a better movie.

Also… Anna Paquin literally was there to scowl and say two lines.

What a waste.

Ya Marriage story is by far the best movie iv seen this year.
who knew a Marine could act so well.

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He is so good.

A natural talent.

Parasite is so far my favorite in a while.

It deserved all the praise.

Yeah, unfortunately it has Robert De Niro in it and I haven’t watched anything from him in years. I just get tired of being lectured by these punks on politics so I choose to not fund them. Doesn’t impact me much because I rarely watch TV anyway but there are a few people out there that I just refuse to watch, like Sean Penn, Sheen and a few others. I don’t care if you’re a Liberal but there are certain levels that I won’t accept. If they stand out to receive an award and start lecturing us on leftist politics, I’m done with them. Maybe I’m ignorant for doing so but I just feel my money is better spent elsewhere.

totally forgot about parasite.
movie deserved every award it won.

Every frame of that movie is amazing.

Ya I get that some actor I can’t stand due to personal reason and can’t watch their movies.

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Sounds like cancel culture.

I kid… I kid.

People are 100% free to watch what they want for the reason that they want.

It’s all good.


:rofl: Honestly, I don’t want them canceled, I just can’t watch them. :wink:

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Mel Gibbson is one of a few people who I hate but love his movies.

I don’t let politics get in the way of watching a good actor. I really don’t care what your personal beliefs are. Can you act or not?

Honestly, my favorite recent movie is probably American Sniper. I miss the 80’s comedy movies like Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Beverly Hills Cop and other movies like Predator. Yeah, old and lame, I know. :grin:

I normally agree with that but when they go over the top and start lecturing us like we’re idiots, I just draw the line. I see no reason for them to profit off of me. Of course, I do the same with stores that don’t allow LTC in their facility.

I was very impressed with Jordan Peele’s “Get Out”

He’s a talented director.

Never thought I would agree with the bat eaters of China

The word that took China social media by storm Baizuo is a Chinese epithet meaning naive western educated person who advocates for peace and equality only to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority. A baizuo only cares about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment while being obsessed with political correctness to the extent that they import backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.

The Chinese see the baizuo as ignorant and arrogant westerners who pity the rest of the world and think they are saviors.

That was so good.

I was disappointed in “Us” though.

Never explain the monster.

Cardinal sin.