Hillarys comments "They All Look Alike"

At the same time, not everybody can get away with that joke. I doubt that Richard Spencer would be able to pull it off, or one of our recent shooters.

Racism isn’t about magic words. It’s about context and intent.

I’ve watched it over and over. I’d be outraged if anyone said it. If George Bush said I’d be outraged.

You must be a real blast at parties, if you’re that easy to outrage. Everyone must have to walk on eggshells.

Disagree 100%. It was classless and not funny. Throwing out an old racist trope like that is never going to be clever.

I get it. I’ve seen this again and again in videos of comedy clubs. Sometimes when a comedian tells a joke, half of the audience is laughing, 49.5 percent are waiting for the next joke, and there are one or two who are wrinkling their noses and looking for the door. Judging by the pans of the audience during a Bill Burr show, for example, he seems to have that effect quite often. John Mulaney not so much.

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The best weapon against racism and racist tropes is humor.

Yeah…that’s it smart guy. You disagree so it must be that there’s something personally wrong with me. I have no sense of humor. No. This they all look alike joke has always been a turnoff. And now…so are you.

I get that. This was not that. It was a tasteless and classless attempt at humor. The moderator was making no such mistake. To throw that comment out there was weird, out of place, and really just kinda racist.

When Jonathan Swift wrote that the impoverished Irish should sell their children as food to the rich, I got so angry that I almost sold my own kid to protest the whole idea, even though I don’t have a kid. In retrospect, I might not have been thinking clearly.


I watched John Mulaney last night he’s hysterical. But if he told this joke… I couldn’t laugh at it. It’s a joke… I get it. It’s just not one that should be made.

People get bent by everything a person like Trump says…rightfully so…but we’re supposed to be ok with it when the smartest woman in the world says it.

I didn’t say there was anything wrong with you, there’s no need to put words in my mouth.

There are plenty of others out there who don’t like controversy in their humor - or so I assume, from the popularity of Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy.

What’s nice is that there is a disagreement among liberals over whether or not this was appropriate, and the split looks fairly even. I would like, just one time, for red hatters to apply the same standards to the GEOTUS.

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The audience reaction appears to disagree with you. It sounds like they got the joke.

I think that time, place, and audience matter though. We’re living in a Trumpian world right now, and given the way he race baits and blows dog whistles, you have to be rock solid with your intent if you’re going to say something like this. Like I said earlier, Obama could say something like this and get away with it. I don’t think it works for Hillary. And I say this as someone that would use this type of humor in my personal life among friends.

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It was an edgy joke. Edgy jokes will have reactions like this.

I think the fact that she’s telling a joke like this is the surest sign I’ve seen that she’s never running for office again.

But I doubt there will be much cross-pollination between this thread and the wingbat “Hillary Wants to Be President!” thread, or whatever it’s called.

Yeah, you said this…I’m not putting words in your mouth. You said what you said and its out there. I’m so humorless people have to walk on eggshells around me.

The audience was a bunch of New Yorkers who paid $100 to go see her speak.

All old white women look alike to me.

New Yorkers will eat jokes like that up. Then again, they’ll also laugh when someone walks into a glass door.