Hillary teasing a run

Why not, it worked out well last time.

It helps to not be a member of either party. :slightly_smiling_face:

She should simply not say one way or the other, so we can continue to watch people wet themselves everytime a “Will she?” op-ed comes out.


n review, The American Mirror is a personal blog of Kyle Olsen that publishes consistently pro-right and anti-left information. Every article has a sensational headline that cannot be substantiated through evidence, such as this: WHAT’S WRONG WITH NANCY? Face spasms, slurred words mar brief Pelosi speech. Generally, every story on this blog denigrates the left without a single reference to a counterpoint.

A factual search reveals The American Mirror has some misleading and false claims.

*Overall, we rate the American Mirror Questionable based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of misleading propaganda. (9/21/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 11/28/2018)*https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/?s=the+american+mirror

I think Clinton’s arrogance gets the best of her. I think when she sees she’s not blowing her opponent away she gets angry and mean and loses her mind a little bit. I mean shes Hillary ■■■■■■■ Clinton. Shes lost to Obama and now Trump. A one-term senator and an orange-hued businessman/ reality tv star. That’s humiliating to the worlds smartest woman.

Yeah but teasing nuns is a new low.

Whether or not its based on reality, she seemed to be more attached to the idea of being president rather than how she could help others. Granted, so did Trump. At least Obama and Reagan seemed like they cared, policy aside.


LOL @ the American Mirror.

It’s stunning what dreck some people cite.

It’s no wonder they know nothing about anything.

Gotta say the same about the Bush’s and Clinton too.

LoL just a personal blog. I believe my first post in this thread was noting that the linked piece in the OP was written at the level of a sixth graders diary entry.

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