Hillary Puts Herself In The News Again


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The Dems aimed for Trump and hit Biden. Pure comedy :rofl:


Methinks your Hillary crush is showing!

Other than that, what on earth are you babbling on about?

How has Hillary put herself in the news again?

If she has, and it keeps you bothered, perhaps you need a different news source?

Yeah, us bitter clingersā€¦ nothing to do with not wanting to keep our rights & not wanting enslaved in a 3rd world socialist holeā€¦

So that makes it okay to have the President ask foreign leaders to investigate his political opponents?

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Yet you cannot stop yourself talking about her and all the right wing media cannot stop focusing on her.

AOCDS I can understand because she is quite fit (except for the crazy psycho eyes) but Clinton not so much but hey each to their own.

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Well thatā€™s an awfully broad brush youā€™re painting with there, GW.

The fact is that there was no impeachment inquiry until Trump ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  up bigly on this Ukraine thing.

And itā€™s ALL his own doing.

If you want to see hollow crowing over impeachment, have a Google of the efforts to impeach the prior president.

For goodnessā€™ sake, the current occupant of the WH allegedly sent investigators to try to prove that the prior occupant was illegally elected to try to have him removed. I donā€™t think Trump, or his loyalists, have really any room to kvetch here.



Yeah, itā€™s DEMOCRATS who fearmonger!



Iā€™m not. I just like pointing out this stuff sometimes.

i bet this is why impeachment fever hit hysteria level lately. as usual the dems and the idiot lapdog media are trying to distract from themselves by blaming what they do on republicans at fever pitch. like children

Itā€™s easily observed. People who refuse to admit it have been hiding under a rock. The one the brush was drying on.

I want to say, just want everyone to know, I truly do not hate anyone. I enjoy the debate, & sometimes get irritated, & do my fair share of dishing out, but I never hate. I oppose the left, a lot, I argue my point, & sometimes poke fun & use sarcasm, maybe even trigger you sometimes, but believe me or not, I do not hate you on the left. I wish we could all take the attitude that we donā€™t hate, we oppose. It used to be called loyal opposition. Maybe itā€™s to late now. I hope not. Itā€™s like this: I may argue with you, but just like on 9/12, after WE was attacked, WE all got together to oppose OUR enemy.

I donā€™t care what Lizzy wants or needs. In my opinion, Hillary needs to go away. I dont listen to her, nor do I really care what she has to say.

:roll_eyes: no you donā€™t. You came to a message board, sat down and typed out several paragraphs about how sheā€™s in the news again, without a link to an example of her being in the news. The only place I EVER end up reading about her is HERE. On this message board, when conservatives whine about how sick they are of hearing about her.


See! That is why I ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  love coming here to the Hannity Forums. If it wasnā€™t for Right Wingers here in Hannityland I would have no clue how to be the best damned LEFT WINGER ever, EVER!!!

I would be a Leftist alone and not knowing whether I should hate Trump or not? Whether I should be against impeachment or not. Whether I should think Russia collusion and obstruction is a yes or a no no? I wouldnā€™t have any idea what I should think about Donny and his call to the Ukraine president. Hell, without folks on the Right here I might have mistakenly thought it was all good clean fun!

What on earth would this poor Lefty have ever done without the excellent education I have received from all my Hannity Right Wing and Trump loving friends?

I am the fine specimen of a Democratic Liberal that I am today only by the educational beneficence of Hannity Righties!

Woo Hoo!

Thanks all you Right Wing guys and gals!

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Loyalist porn. Salivation over Hillary getting remotely close to the WH makes them drool. It makes a great distraction from the calamity currently going on.

Reallyā€™??? Thatā€™s not how I saw it.

Okā€¦help me understand how they are stealing. How are they stealing by buying & selling LEAGALLY? Do you own stocks? I garrantee you most on the left does, especially the politicians.

As opposed to, you know, the monolith known as ā€œthe leftā€.