Hillary "Don't Tempt Me"

Yeah.theybare just trying to stir the pot because the last 3 years have been a disaster

dont really care if shes contemplating it or not

but as you well know, the point is she still keeps showing up in the news.

the “liberals” in the media sure love her

Libs here do too, in spite of their feigned indignation whenever she is mentioned.

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And Trump World hangs on her every move like 12 year old girls at a Bieber concert.


Wow I guess you weren’t here when trump won either then.

No, we really really don’t.

Remember That one dude who knew because of what people were saying at his local hardware store.

read/listen to the PBS article and count how many times she says trump

get back to us

I don’t trust fake news. :rofl:

get over her

I’m no fan of Hillary but wow this is off the mark. If anything Trump is palin 2.0. Stupid, willfully ignorant, doesn’t read, broken family…

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This seems to trigger you quite easily. Why do you let her control your life so completely?

They should start a “Tiger Beat” magazine devoted to her.

(Psst) This thread wasn’t started by a liberal.

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why did you make this all about me?

Nevermind you don’t get it :smiley:

Everything’s about you here. Haven’t you figured that out? :kissing_heart:

That’s really not very nice now is it?

Actually as much as I don’t like Clinton I think this time she would beat Trump. He has proven himself to be 100x more openly corrupt as Clinton but he also violates they law left and right. Where as Clinton was always just on the side of legality. Even the email server thing was not illegal just a violation of policy that she should lost her clearance over. So most Americans are not as dumb as Trump supporters so he could not be the outsider unknow what cries corruption and promises everything under the sun to working man but did not delivery anything.

Yea but Palin knew she was dum, same as like Bush. Trump biggest flaw is he is dum and thinks he is a Genius and will not listen to anyone else cause he knows everything. Plus with people like Palin she was not born with silver spoon in her mouth so she has not had people working for her father/herself telling her how great and smart she was her whole life. Trump has know no hardships in his life other than his failures in his fathers eyes. And in his mind going bankrupt is not a failure because investors lost the money not him.