Hillary Clinton cheering Americans dying

I provided a link to the entire damn post right above it.

Try again

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When I click the link I get the whole post. :woman_shrugging:

Me too, perhaps Soto voice should take his own advice?

But hey, I’m sitting here shooting pigs so I can do this all night!

I promised the guys at the area food bank I try to bring them another ton by the end of the month and I’m getting close.

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That’s not a threat.

That’s a letter from the state advisory board reminding physicians the power to off label doesn’t mean silly nilly prescriptions of a drug for an off label purpose.

In this case it looks like a lot of physicians are prescribing these drugs prophylactically, and not as an attempt to save someone seriously ill from the disease.

That is definitely…and rightfully…grounds for investigative action.

She exposes even more how she thinks…how she concludes…what goes on inside her demented brain and why I’d never vote for her. I wonder if Hillaryites are wiping their brow or remain in ignorant denial?

Hillary supporters dried up on Nov 8, 2016.

That’s not nice WR. You are supposed to forget what they said early on so they can reverse themselves now without being called on it.

You are interfering with them being able to have it both ways.

Good job! :rofl:


Mike Pence is in charge and he is the one making the phone calls. See at 5:15 mark.

Trump is right, when you criticize him, you are also disparaging all of the people working behind the scenes, like the Army Corps of Engineers who are retrofitting hotels into hospitals, FEMA and all of the other people working around the clock to save lives.


It’s because they are stupid.

I just had a meeting yesterday with all of my employees to review the health of the company what they can expect to happen and what to do if there is a mandatory shut down of businesses.

I emphasized social distancing, how long the virus can live on different types of surfaces and how important is to keep sanitizing, washing hands, etc.

I then found out that one of my employees, because the bar he goes to with all of his buddies to play darts with, is getting together with all of them during the week to play darts.

So, his selfishness is endangering all of my employees as well as others.

He will be FIRED first thing Monday morning and I am going to do my damndest with the help of my attorney to make sure he cannot collect unemployment or any benefits related to the Coronavirus.

Stupid should HURT.


At the time he was complaining, ventilators were sitting in a warehouse for New York and New York didn’t know. See the one minute mark…

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The politicians in New York were encouraging people to go out even up to mid March.

It was January 31st when Trump restricted travel from China.

But for weeks, city officials discouraged New Yorkers from altering their routines or behaviors, before the contagiousness of the coronavirus and severity of the outbreak became painfully clear. Public officials’ insistence that life could and should go on as normal for most city residents continued all the way into mid-March — probably exacerbating an already-threatening situation.


And Trump was right along with them telling us coronavirus was no big deal…we had it under wraps.

Systemic failure.

Great leadership is displayed by blaming all the states. They have the same national and intelligence resources as the federal government

They have less.

I’d be lying if I didnt admit that from time to time President Trump says something, particularly on Twitter…that I wish he wouldn’t have said.

But…that said I’m so thankful we don’t have that corrupt lying trash Hillary living in the White House.


OMG, are we really back to bragging about firing people?

Yet when Trump makes similar comments he is applauded for owning libs.

Trump created this toxic political atmosphere. Just read through his twitter feed on a daily basis.

So please lets stop with the fake outrage.

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No, I am protecting my company and my employees from someone who is a threat to them due to his selfishness.


Is there a shelter in place order? Bars are still open so I’m assuming not?