High noon? Trump on Fox 2 hour town hall. Today at noon

Computers are making the decisions on buying and selling. Mkt goes up for a couple hours, computers start selling making millions and millions for ETFs and big boys, then mkt goes down. Repeat cycle repeat cycle. That’s where all the huge swings originate. Lots of discussion at SEC about this problem. Investigations underway as I understand current status. Nearly half of All $$ in mkt are computer traded. Big problem. Computers create volatility while making zillions for some in a blink of an eye or faster, and Resulting in losses for human decision makers. Computer trading enables some to make big $ on buying and selling over and over each day. Doesn’t matter if mkt is headed up or down. Your 401k funds their money-making.

It is a remarkable coincidence that virtually every time Trump starts one of presser, as certain as night follows day, the Dow goes down.

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And there would be no oversight as to how funds are used. This could be a re-run of the 2017 tax cut, where we were promised the corporate savings would be plowed into increased investment and higher wages for workers, but instead almost all the funds went into stock buy-backs to fluff executive bonuses. Given how much the market has fallen, it is an excellent time for another buy-back binge.

She awight

You still don’t get it I guess. We the people are not doing much trading these days. Computers doing most. A five percent uptake is huge profit that the same computer can take many times in the same day by buying and selling on a nonstop basis. After they buy (mkt goes up as result) computers then sell and mkt goes down, so they buy again , then it goes up, then they sell. All in less time that it takes you to scratch an itch.

Imagine how much you could make if you could cause the mkt to go up or go down.

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Bet. Avatars for a week.

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I always lose these but why not?

I need a new one anyway…

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Done and bookmarked.

You may win in less than 2 hours.


Largest single point gain in Dow history?

Trump, cancel the press conference! Let me enjoy it for a day.

Just imagine if sleepy creepy Joe was in charge.

We need different PPE


Being he said in a brief a few days ago when someone ask him why he missed a day “I am not going to be here every day I need rest also. Quit making something of nothing” or something to that affect. I am guessing you will be incorrect.


I’ll be wearing what I’m sure will be a tasteful new avatar if I’m wrong.

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So are conservatives back to this is a hoax panic and we shouldn’t be locking down?

:rofl: you have no idea. I have formed a team in my NSC, I’m listening to them. They have my full attention.

Are you ok now?

No the calculus has been now explicitly laid out as will we lose more lives to the virus or Depression? (It’s actually another kind of calculus but I’ll be nice for now).

So in two weeks we will be embarking on a grand experiment.

he didnt ramble when he beat on Hillary

maybe you are just telling yourself he rambles because foggy Joe obviously is suffering from dementia

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