Hey libs. What do you plan to do with your illegals?

This won’t be forthcoming, as one doesn’t produce links from material pulled by from the
gluteus maximus .

So that means that 4 in 5 WERE born in the us.

I’m just going to pay mine to vote over and over again.

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You have made one odd post there.

Afghanistan was essentially still in the stone age when we inappropiately attacked and invaded that country that never attacked us.

Our idiotic war there has been a huge waste of lives and treasure.

Of course it is unacceptable if an illegal alien kills or rapes any citizen.

I don’t find any crime acceptable.

Can they still have kids who can vote for democrats when they grow up? Yes. Whats the problem?

Food shortages? From what? Lack of illegals to pick crops? Too funny. Name the crop that can’t picked without them for pennies more.

Jobs vanishing lol.

The Econ added 175,000 jobs in April.


that part is going to kill entire industries of workers.

Only if it stops. Unless you believe that we have infinite resources. A some point, it all gets too crowded or we have too few people stuck with paying the bills of too many unskilled types and the whole thing collapses.

I am just not willing to pay for people who snuck into my country and demanded my money.

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Nice try, but the numbers are not your friend. It means that about 22 or 23 percent of all criminals in U.S. prisons are illegals.

Come on Allen. Do you really thing that the jobs being added are low skilled? When was the last time you walked into a grocery store? This is 2018 my friend, try to keep up.

Their sole purpose is for the votes.

Bring in more illegals and extended relations in order to take the jobs that disappeared because of the robotics? Oh, wait…that wouldn’t make any sense at all.

And unemployment is down to the 2% range in some cities.

It’s kind of racist to think every other illegal alien wants to pick vegies.

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And it’s also incredibly boring to hear liberals cry racism 24/7, 365 days a year. Nobody cares. Right now the typical reply to the never ending racism drone is the eye roll. If this what you are going to focus on, then prepare to lose another election.

I’ll do you a few better than one.

Black Raspberries
Grapes (intended for eating or raisins and not for wine)
Cashew apple
Ripe olives
Sweet Cherries

Attempts have been made to harvest them by machine, but machines aren’t capable of detecting the ripeness levels and thus if they are machine harvested you still have to have humans standing there to pick out the unripe ones and then you waste all of the unripe ones.

And the difference between a $3 worker and a $10 worker is not “pennies”


Did you watch the video? This is the first generation machine. Why would you assume it’s the last generation? It’s like the electric car. Every year it gets better. A/I will solve these issues. There is simply no doubt about it.These jobs are doomed.

We have survived this long, pretty sure we will make it a bit longer. You are so damn worried about illegals, and yet we have a whole group of people who would love nothing more than to force a million extra non illegal citizens to be born a year here. See what that does to your numbers.

Live in ignorance it makes no difference to me.